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• Employers are relying on In -House Skills Training /Mentoring to <br />address their skill needs and holding on to their current <br />workforce as a secondary strategy. <br />II. Methodology <br />The North Carolina Business Services Representatives officially <br />deployed the survey project on October 17, 2011. Surveys were <br />collected until December 6, 2011. The data in this report were generated <br />by identifying employers in each county with 10 - 499 employees. From <br />this list, Business Services Representatives were instructed to randomly <br />select businesses to survey in their geographic area. A survey <br />instrument containing eleven (11) questions was developed with the <br />flexibility to be completed either on -line, via a response to a hard copy <br />sent by mail, response to an email attachment, by telephone interview, <br />or by personal interview. The survey was limited to eleven questions <br />with the theory that a higher response rate would be obtained with a <br />brief questionnaire. The survey instrument was also designed to be user <br />friendly, incorporating check boxes for most questions. Respondents <br />were given the opportunity to add additional comments by responding to <br />question #11 at the end of the survey. Of the 1,152 valid surveys <br />collected, two hundred thirty -nine (239) respondents submitted written <br />comments in response to question #11. Some of their input is included <br />in text boxes throughout this report. <br />By using the Sample Size Calculator developed by Raosoft, <br />Incorporated, we determined that a sample of 382 valid surveys would <br />need to be completed to render a 95% confidence level and also <br />maintain a 5% margin of error. Collecting a sample of 1,152 surveys <br />yielded three times the minimum sample needed and gave us a 2.85% <br />margin of error and a 95% confidence level. <br />The following charts illustrate the responses captured from the 1,152 <br />surveys that were validated. We have listed only the primary responses <br />to the survey questions. A copy of the survey questionnaire and other <br />data are attached to this report in the Appendices <br />Business Categories Responding <br />4 <br />1 -4 Page 284 <br />