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WASTE REDUCTION GOAL SHEET <br />NC LOCAL GOVERNMENT TEN YEAR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />Local Government Name: Caban us Count <br />Previously established waste reduction goal: 5 % <br />After considering your government's current and projected solid waste <br />activities, resources, population, and economic growth have you reached <br />your previously established goal? No <br />Establish a new waste reduction goal: 40 % <br />WASTE REDUCTION CALCULATION <br />To provide 10 years of solid waste management planning, as per G.S. 130A- 309.09A(b), waste <br />reduction goals need to be updated. Use the following chart to determine the tonnage needed to <br />be diverted from landfills in order to reach the new waste reduction goal. <br />CALCULATION <br />FY 2012 <br />1. Baseline year per capita disposal rate <br />(FY 1991 -1992 unless alternate approved by Section) <br />0.94 <br />2. Percent waste reduction goal <br />40% <br />3. Targeted per capita disposal rate <br />(Subtract line 2 from 1.0 and multiply result by line 1) <br />0.54 <br />4. Estimated population in the new waste reduction goal year <br />(Available at Office of State Budget and Management website: <br />Prolected Annual Coun Po elation Totals 2010 -2019) <br />227,749 <br />5. Projected tonnage for disposal at baseline disposal rate <br />(Multiply line I by line 4) <br />214,084 <br />6. Targeted annual tonnage for disposal <br />( Multiply line 3 by line 4) <br />122,984 <br />7. Targeted annual tonnage to reduce <br />(Subtract line 6 from line 5) <br />91,100 <br />Population Link: hitp:tJmN state /ncosbni/facts_and_ figures /socioeconomic_ data / pope[ ation_ estinia (es /deniog/epa2OlOp.htnil <br />WASTE REDUCTION PLAN <br />Given the targeted annual tonnage amount to be reduced, explain how you plan to reach the goal: <br />Increase Residential Recycling by 50% <br />Increase Organics Recovery by 75% <br />Partner with CII to increase recovery and obtain reporting on efforts <br />Partner with C &D recyclers to increase recovery and obtain reporting on efforts <br />Reduction and Reuse education <br />Note that the 9 1, 100 Ton target includes City of Concord's population factored into the calculation, though they are <br />not part of this plan process. <br />httt):/h vww. os /iicosbin/facts and fi>;ures /socioeconomic datal000ulation estimates /demog/cou <br />n otals 2020 2029.1itml <br />112009 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -7 Page 179 <br />