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Budget Ordinance <br />aside for a specific project for budgetary shortfalls or upon the appropriate approval of a <br />change order. <br />5. The County Manager is authorized to transfer funds from the General Fund or Capital <br />Reserve Fund to the appropriate fund for projects approved within the Capital <br />Improvement Plan for the current fiscal year. <br />6. Additional authority is granted to the Finance Director or designee to transfer amounts <br />within and between funds for the sole purpose of funding salary and benefits adjustments <br />consistent with the Cabarrus County Personnel Management Policy and the Cabarrus <br />County Personnel Ordinance. <br />7. Upon notification of funding increases or decreases to existing grants or revenues, or the <br />award of grants or revenues, the Manager or Finance Officer may adjust budgets to <br />match, including grants that require a County match for which funds are available. <br />8. The Manager, Finance Director, or designee may adjust debt financing from estimated <br />projections to actual funds received. <br />9. The County Manager may enter into and execute change orders or amendments to <br />construction contracts in amounts less than $90,000 when the appropriate annual budget <br />or capital project ordinance contains sufficient appropriated but unencumbered funds. <br />10. The County Manager may execute contracts which are not required to be bid or which <br />G.S. 143 -131 allows to be let on informal bids so long as the annual budget or <br />appropriate capital project ordinance contains sufficient appropriated but unencumbered <br />funds for such purposes. <br />11. The County Manager may execute contracts with outside agencies to properly document <br />budgeted appropriations to such agencies where G.S. 153 A- 248(b), 259, 449 and any <br />similar statutes require such contracts. <br />12. The County Manager may reject formal bids when deemed appropriate and in the best <br />interest of Cabarrus County pursuant to G.S. 143- 129(a). <br />13. The County Manager may reduce revenue projections consistent with prevailing <br />economic conditions, and also reduce expenditures correspondingly. <br />C. Changes to Cabarrus County fees and charges as presented in budget workshops will be <br />effective July 1, 2011 and incorporated into the appropriate fee schedules. <br />D. The appropriations for Cabarrus County Schools and Kannapolis City Schools have been <br />allocated by purpose and function. Cabarrus County Schools and Kannapolis City Schools <br />must obtain the approval of the Board of Commissioners for any amendment to their <br />respective budgets which would increase or decrease the amount of county appropriations <br />allocated by purpose or function by more than ten (10 %) percent. <br />Section IV. <br />This ordinance and the budget documents shall be the basis for the financial plan for the County <br />of Cabarrus for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year. The County Manager and the Budget Officer shall <br />administer the budget. The Finance Director shall establish and maintain all records, which are in <br />concurrence with this budget and budget ordinance and the appropriate statutes of the State of <br />North Carolina. <br />G -4 Page 260 <br />