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Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance <br />Chapter 2 -Rules of Construction and Definitions <br />STREET - Any public thoroughfare, street, avenue, or boulevard which has been de <br />or deeded to the public for public use. Also includes any Road. <br />STREET FRONTAGE - The distance for which a lot line of a lot adjoins a public tre-t, from <br />one lot line intersecting said street to the furthest distance lot line interse ame <br />street. <br />STRUCTURAL ALTERATION - Any change in the supporting member building, such as <br />bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams or girders or any complete rebuilding of the roof <br />or exterior walls. <br />STRUCTURAL COVERAGE- Refers to the amount of land area covered by structures. <br />STRUCTURE - Anything constructed or erected whiclqui.� .ration on or in the ground <br />or is attached to something having a location on the. .'ground or anything as defined by the <br />Building Code. <br />STRUCTURE, ACCESSORY- A structure loca _ same lot and customarily incidental and <br />subordinate to the principal building. <br />STRUCTURE, PERMANENT - Anythin con,structed or erected within a required location on <br />the ground or which is attached tai "something having location on the ground, including a <br />fence or free - standing wall. <br />STRUCTURE, TEMPORAR eable structure not designed for human occupancy. <br />STUB -OUT, STUB - STREET- A, portion of a street or cross access drive used as an extension <br />to an abutting property that may be developed in the future. <br />SUBDIVIDE- The' act or process of creating a Subdivision. <br />SUBSTANTIAL- DAMAGE - Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of <br />restoring the structure to the before damaged- condition would equal or exceed fifty percent <br />(50 °10) ofheinarket value of the structure before the damage occurred. <br />SU'BtTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT - Any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other <br />improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty percent (50 %) of the <br />market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. This <br />term includes structures which have incurred "substantial damage," regardless of the actual <br />repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either: <br />1. Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state <br />or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified <br />by the local code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to <br />assure safe living conditions; or <br />Chapter 2 Page 28 of 32 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -1 Page 154 <br />