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Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance <br />Chapter 3- Establishment of Zoning Districts <br />Section 3 -1 Introduction <br />The purpose of this Chapter is twofold. Gee , A-is to establish types of zoning districts <br />for grouping similar and compatible land uses throughout Cabarrus County. Secondly, A4S <br />to set forth a "Table of Permitted Uses" that lists types of land uses and their status in each <br />district. <br />Section 3 -2 How to use this Chapter <br />The description of zoning districts is set forth in Section 3 -7. After a description of the <br />zoning district, a listing of uses follows. If you know your zoneing distm— and want to <br />understand what is allowed within it, this section provides the answer. If, on the other <br />hand, you have a use in mind and want to know where it fits, find the use in the Table of <br />Permitted Uses located at the end of this Chapter to understand A-�s status within the <br />various zoning districts. A land use may be: <br />• Permitted by right (P) - This means that the land use is considered completely <br />compatible in the district and no further governmental review is needed. <br />• Permitted based on standards (PBS) - This means that the land use in question <br />could be compatible with the district as long as it meets certain standards. For <br />example, a gas station may be completely appropriate in a residential district if it is <br />built on a smaller scale than the gas stations found on major commercial corridors <br />with multiple pumps , twenty -four hour operation, and lit signage. This eeneept-, <br />le . Many of the PBS uses have more than one standard. When an <br />Twelve <br />S i n " � zti6i =rr�t� <br />• Conditional Use (C) - This means that the land use considered needs to be <br />reviewed by a public body, in this case, the Planning & Zoning Commission SeFving <br />acting as a Board of Adjustment. Often, these are land uses with the potential for <br />far reaching consequences. A public airport is a good example. The creation of an <br />airport may profoundly affect an area's transportation system, may greatly affect <br />surrounding land use from a noise standpoint, etc. Accordingly, these types of land <br />use merit consideration and debate in a public forum. In order to assure <br />compatibility with surrounding land use , Feasenab conditions may be placed on <br />the propose development of the property. <br />• Accessory use - These are land uses that are secondary, subordinate, and <br />incidental to what typically is the original land use or permitted use. Within the Table <br />of Permitted Uses, all accessory uses are listed as a separate type of use under <br />ewn the heading of "Accessory ". A utility shed, feF exan9p+e in the backyard of a <br />residentially developed property is a good example of an accessory use. <br />Accessory uses must be considered compatible with both the original use and the <br />Chapter 3 Page 1 of 37 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />G -1 Page 159 <br />