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INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR NC OPENBOOK <br />http:/ /www.ncopenbook.ciov /NCOpenBook/ <br />A Name: Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District <br />A Tax Identification Number: 56- 6000281 (Cabarrus County) <br />DUNS Number 965929263 <br />Project Title: Dan Barrier Permanent Agricultural Conservation Easement (Cabarrus) <br />A Fiscal Year JUIy 1 to June 30 <br />1. Brief Description and Background /History of your Organization. <br />Be sure to include the number of years in existence, number of employees, mission and goals of your organization. <br />Cabarrus SWCD was formed from a former multi- county district in 1963 and is currently served by a staff of 3. The Cabarrus SWCD's mission <br />Is to Initiate and carry out a local program to assist and educate landowners, land users, responsible institutions and various groups in the <br />community to plan, apply and maintain sound conservation practices and land use. Cabarrus SWCD exists to encourage the informed an <br />responsible stewardship of the land and all its natural resources. The current top goals established by the District board through a strategic <br />panning process include conservation easements and land use planning, along with egis a the initiatives, conservation e uca ton an <br />community conservation. The District both owns property and holds conservation easements. The District and the Land I rust or Central <br />o aro ina have a fruitful partnership through a Memorandum of greemen . lhe District has established a conservation easement <br />ewar s ip un or holding monies to be used education, en orcemen , monitoring and restoration. <br />2. Current Contact Information: (Complete information below if different that in the original contract cover <br />document.) <br />For the Age nc : <br />IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS <br />ADFP Trust Fund ADFP Trust Fund <br />NCDA &CS NCDA &CS <br />1001 Mail Service Center 2 West Edenton Street <br />Ralei NC 27699 -1001 Ralei NC 27601 <br />Tele 919 - 707 -3071 ALTERNATE CONTACT: <br />Fax: 919 - 716 -0105 <br />Email: ncadf <br />For the Grantee: <br />IF DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE IF DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS <br />Name; DennisTesterman Title: Sr. Resourw con sorvafionSpeclaASt Name: Title: <br />Com Name; caharrussonandwaterCOnservationDistdd Com Name: <br />Address: 715 Ceharrus Avenue West Address: <br />Cit Conc rd State NC Zi 28027 -6214 Wilt State: Zi Telephone: 704- 920.3300 3303 - direct <br />Fax: 704- 795 -6432 <br />Email :deteatermen ®caharrusceuntyaa Secondar Email: <br />3. Current Project Timeline. <br />PROJECTED TOTAL <br />PROPOSED PROJECTED NCDA &CS PROJEC <br />START COMPLETION FUNDS TO BE TED <br />IDENTIFIED TASK DATE DATE SPENT COSTS <br />OF THE <br />Pa ge 17 of 22 Easement Application <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -6 Page 135 <br />($) <br />PROJEC <br />T <br />F -6 Page 135 <br />