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In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the Corporation this 17th of September <br />(Affix Seal here, if available) <br />Authorized Signature <br />Name and Title of President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or <br />Other Officer as designated in the Corporation's Bylaws <br />X. Certification — Limited Liability Company, Partnership, Public Fund, Sole Proprietorship, Unincorporated Organization or <br />Association, or Other Entity. IM/e, the undersigned, hereby certify to Bank that the above is a true copy of resolutions and <br />authorizations of said Business Entity and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded. <br />[Instruction: If the General Partner, Member or Manager is also an entity (e.g., a corporation, LLC, or partnership), the name of the <br />entity and the word "By" are entered in the column headed "Signature "; the individual signing on behalf of that entity signs directly <br />below the name of the entity; and the name of the individual and individual's title or position are entered in the column headed "Title ". <br />The individual must provide a resolution on that entity reflecting the individual's authority.] <br />Name and Title Signature Date <br />Signature Requirement instructions <br />The following signatures are required to complete and certify the Deposit Account Resolution and Authorization to be correct: <br />• Corporations Corporate Officers authorized to act on behalf of the corporation named in Section III should include the President and <br />Secretary and any other applicable corporate officers, such as Vice President or Treasurer. The President, Secretary, Assistant <br />Secretary, or other corporate officer as designated in the bylaws of the corporation is required to certify the Deposit Account <br />Resolution and Authorization under Section IX. <br />• Limited Liability Companies Section III and X require the signatures of all members /managers /board members, unless the Operating <br />Agreement authorizes one or more members /managers /board members to conduct banking business, in which case the signatures of <br />all such authorized members /managers /board members are sufficient. <br />• Public Fund Entities Section III requires the signatures of individuals authorized to sign on behalf of the Public Fund Entity as <br />designated by the governing unit, e.g., Board of County Commissioners, Mayor, Secretary of State, etc. The individual(s) authorized <br />to represent the governing unit is required to certify the Deposit Account Resolution and Authorization under Section X. <br />• Partnerships Section III and X require the signatures of all General Partners, unless the Partnership Agreement designates one or <br />more partners to conduct banking business and perform banking transactions. In such cases, the designated general partner(s) are <br />named in Section III as the General Partners authorized to act on behalf of the entity and these same General Partners will certify the <br />Deposit Account Resolution and Authorization under Section X. <br />• Sole Proprietorships Section III and X require the signature of the proprietor (owner) or in the case of a spousal proprietorship, the <br />signatures of the husband and wife who own the Business Entity. <br />• Unincorporated Organizations or Associations Section III requires the signatures of the Officers or Positions designated in the <br />Organization or Association's bylaws or charter as authorized to act on behalf of the organization or association. The President or <br />Secretary of the organization or association (or other individual designated to do so) is required to certify the Deposit Account <br />Resolution and Authorization under Section X. <br />Bank Use Only <br />Bank Number <br />Cost Center Number <br />Cost Center Name <br />0175 <br />8000271 <br />Charlotte Central Lending <br />Prepared By <br />Phone Number <br />Date <br />Stefanie R Pitts <br />(704) 347 -6113 <br />Account Number(s) <br />1000140326918 <br />Verification Method <br />User ID I UNSP22 Account Number 1 1000140326918 <br />316617 (01/11) Attachment nunbRES <br />SunTrust Corporate Forms Page 3 of 3 <br />F -9 Page 178 <br />