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DCR- DHR- ARS- GRB -RC 10 (rev.5 /02) Reproduce this form as needed. <br />North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources <br />Division of Historical Resources <br />Government Records Branch <br />Self- Warranty: Electronic Records <br />Identification of Originating Government Office and Specified Records <br />Type of Government Office: County ( ) Municipal ( ) State Agency () *Other( ) <br />For Other, enter name of "parent" agency unless unassigned <br />*Other includes assigned and unassigned offices (authorities, boards, bureaus, commissions, councils etc.) <br />County /Agency: <br />Name of Office: <br />Address: <br />Telephone: (_) Fax: (_) E -mail address: <br />I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the records created or duplicated by electronic means in the <br />aforementioned office are prepared in accordance with the suggested guidelines as indicated by the following statements. <br />• Quality - Records are legible, accurate, and complete. <br />• The records are produced or reproduced as part of a regularly conducted activity. <br />• Detailed, documented procedures are in place and followed when the records are created, copied, modified, or duplicated. <br />• The person(s) who creates, copies, modifies, or duplicates the records receives formal training on detailed system <br />procedures prior to records preparation. <br />• Details of the training received are adequately documented through written policies and procedures. <br />• Training records are signed by employee after receiving training. <br />• Audit trails document the individual(s) who creates, duplicates, modifies, or otherwise prepares the records, what <br />they do in the process, when they do it, and describe the results. <br />• Audits — <br />• are performed periodically to confirm that the process or system produces accurate results. <br />• confirm that procedures actually followed are in accordance with procedure stated in the procedure's <br />documentation. <br />• are preformed routinely on documents to ensure no information has been lost. <br />• performed by an independent source (i.e., persons other than those who create the records or persons <br />without an interest in the content of the records. Acceptable source may include different department <br />or authorized auditing authority). <br />o are adequately documented. <br />• The process or system hardware and software are adequately documented. <br />• Back up procedures are in place and comply with best practices, as established by the Department of Cultural Resources. <br />• Successful disaster recovery back up is completed at least once every two years. <br />Furthermore, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this agency will comply with the best practices and <br />standards established by the Department of Cultural Resources as published on its website. <br />I certify that this agency has an established Electronic Records /Imaging Policy. <br />Local Government Agencies: I certify that this agency will complete a "Request for Disposal of Original Records <br />Duplicated by Electronic Means" for each new records series converted from paper to electronic record. <br />State Government Agencies: I certify that this agency will contact the Government Records Branch to amend the <br />agency schedule to comply with the best practices and standards established by the Department of Cultural Resources. <br />Signature of Official: Title of Official <br />Name of Official: Date: <br />75 Attachment number 1 <br />F -9 Page 175 <br />