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I � <br />3 Energy and Benchmarking <br />3.1 Energy Consumption and Expenditures <br />Table 3 below shows average annual energy consumption per square foot for the <br />South Campus over the past three years, and compares that average to a <br />benchmark derived from the United States EIA Commercial Building Energy <br />Consumption Surveys (CBECS) for educational buildings in the Southern region. <br />Observations and insights on energy consumption are as follows: <br />• Total energy intensity for the South Campus averaged 14% higher than <br />CBECs benchmark; total energy costs averaged 12% greater than CBECs <br />benchmark. <br />• Note that the CBECS category for education is broad and includes all types of <br />educational facilities. With the extended hours of RCCC we would expect to <br />see higher energy intensity then the benchmark. <br />• Most notable in Table 3 is that the Electric Energy intensity for the South <br />campus is 34% over benchmark with peaks in usage from May through <br />September, when cooling loads were at their highest levels. <br />• Monthly energy usage data for natural gas was also provided by the facilities <br />team in therms and incorporated into the energy consumption analysis. Peaks <br />in usage for natural gas were seen during winter months; however, overall <br />the natural gas consumption was 10% lower than CBECs benchmark. <br />o Natural gas is used to fuel the boilers for space heating, some <br />domestic hot water and kitchen equipment. <br />• With total consumption for the South Campus being 14% higher than CBECs <br />benchmarks, this is a good indicator that opportunity exists to reduce energy <br />use intensity of the campus. <br />Table 3: Average annual energy intensities <br />The three figures that follow below illustrate energy consumption on a monthly basis <br />over the last three years for the South Campus. <br />Rev A 2012 -05 -15 <br />Page 9 <br />Final Draft <br />G -2 Page 333 <br />Energy Intensity <br />Percent Difference <br />Energy Type <br />Actual Benchmark <br />N <br />Electricity (kWh /square foot /year) <br />19.60 <br />14.60 <br />34% <br />Gas (CCF /square foot /year) <br />0.19 <br />0.21 <br />-10% <br />Total (kBtu /square foot /year) <br />86.291 <br />75.50 <br />14% <br />Notes: <br />1) Benchmark energy intensities derived from U.S. EIA CBECS 2003 for educational buildings in <br />the South <br />The three figures that follow below illustrate energy consumption on a monthly basis <br />over the last three years for the South Campus. <br />Rev A 2012 -05 -15 <br />Page 9 <br />Final Draft <br />G -2 Page 333 <br />