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The top three sectors in competitive share were Leisure and Hospitality, Public Administration, and the <br />Professional and Business Services sector. Across all sectors, the competitive share component totals to <br />-23 jobs. This indicates that Cabarrus County is not competitive in securing additional employment. <br />A positive competitive share component would indicate that Cabarrus has a productive advantage. This <br />advantage could be due to local firms having superior technology, management, or market access, or <br />the local labor force having higher productivity and /or lower wages. A negative competitive share <br />component could be caused by local shortcomings in all these areas. <br />By examining the competitive share components for each industry, the developers can easily identify <br />which local industries have a positive competitive share component. This also indicates which <br />industries have competitive advantages over other counties and regions. Local officials can then devise <br />strategies to improve local conditions faced by particular industries selected for focus. These strategies <br />may include specialized training programs for workers and management, improved access to input and <br />product markets through transportation and telecommunications, or arranged financial alternatives for <br />new machinery and equipment. <br />conditions facing this economic sector. For the Education and Health Services sector, the competitive <br />share translated into 2 jobs (i.e., 0 percent times the base employment level of 14,503 equals 2 jobs). <br />