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Religious institution (with a total seating capacity of 350 or less) <br />Religious institution (with a total seating capacity of 351 or <br />more) <br />Restaurant, excluding drive -thru <br />Retail sales - shopping centers 10,000 - 50,000 square feet <br />Retail sales - shopping centers 10,000 square feet and less <br />Single family residential detached <br />Tattoo Studio <br />Taxi stand <br />Permitted <br />based on <br />Standards: Accessory apartment <br />Automobile rental <br />Automobile sales /new, used <br />Bed & breakfast <br />Catering service <br />Contractor and trade shops <br />Home occupation <br />Landfill, demolition (one acre or less) <br />Mobile office, temporary <br />Multifamily residential <br />Nursery /daycare center <br />Printing & reprographic facility <br />Recreational facility, indoor <br />Recyclable materials drop -off <br />Repair garage, auto <br />Repair shop, small engine <br />Restaurant with drive -thru facility <br />Self- service storage facilities <br />Townhouses <br />Conditional <br />Uses: Public service facility <br />Recreational facility, outdoor <br />Trade & vocational schools <br />Veterinarian /animal hospital /commercial kennel <br />Attachment number 1 <br />G -1 Page 245 <br />