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AG 2011 10 17
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AG 2011 10 17
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10/24/2011 4:12:49 PM
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Meeting Minutes
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Board of Commissioners
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Recommended Changes to the Cabarrus County Drug Free Workplace Policy <br />Revisions Effective October 17, 2011 <br />IL Definitions <br />A. Alcohol Test — Any accepted scientific means to determine the presence of alcohol, including but not <br />limited to laboratory analysis of breath, urine, saliva, blood, or hair. A DOT regulated alcohol test may <br />only use urine, saliva, and breath. <br />I. Drug Test or Screening Any accepted scientific means to determine the presence of controlled <br />substances, including but not limited to laboratory analysis of breath, urine, saliva, blood, or hair. A <br />DOT regulated drug test may only use urine, saliva, and breath. <br />VII. Testing Procedures for Applicants and County Employees <br />E. A blood, urine, saliva, breath, or other sample that, after initial testing, does not reveal the presence of a <br />controlled substance at or above the threshold values designated by SAMHSA or an alcohol content <br />level below 0.04% shall be considered to have tested negative, and no further testing may be done on <br />that sample. For a DOT drug test the verified presence of the identified drug or its metabolite below the <br />minimum levels specified in 49CFR Part 40, as amended, and the specimen is a valid specimen shall be <br />considered to have tested negative. A DOT regulated alcohol or drug test may only use urine, saliva, <br />and breath sample. <br />F. A blood, urine, saliva, breath, or other sample that, after confirmatory testing, does reveal the presence <br />of a controlled substance at or above the threshold values designated by SAMHSA or an alcohol level at <br />or above 0.04% shall be considered to have tested positive. An employee with a confirmed alcohol test <br />result of between 0.02% and 0.039% will be deemed unfit to perform his or her duties and sent home. <br />For a DOT drug test the verified presence of the identified drug or its metabolite at or above the minimum levels <br />specified in 49CFR Part 40, as amended, shall be considered to have tested positive. A DOT regulated alcohol or <br />drug test may only use urine, saliva, and breath sample. <br />Appendix <br />Employees Covered by Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulations <br />G. Together with other accident testing which may be required by the County, DOT regulated employees <br />must complete DOT drug and alcohol tests as soon as possible after they are involved in an accident <br />while operating a County owned or leased vehicle, if the accident involves: <br />I. FMCSA accident requirin testing esting An accident in which a fatality is involved; one or more motor <br />vehicles are towed from the scene or someone is treated medically away from the scene, and a <br />citation is issued to the CMV driver within 8 hours of the occurrence under state or local law for a <br />moving violation arising from the accident and either of the aforementioned situations occur. <br />2. FTA accident requiring testing sting An accident in which a fatality is involved, one or more motor <br />vehicle receives disabling damage or someone requires immediate medical attention away from the <br />scene, unless the driver can be completely discounted as a contributing factor. All other covered <br />employees whose performance could have contributed to a non -fatal accident (defined in G. 2. Of <br />this Appendix), as determined by the employer using the best information available at the time of the <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -5 Page 34 <br />
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