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AG 2010 03 15
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AG 2010 03 15
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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Resolution No. 2005-L <br />CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSEONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, through prudent and disciplined <br />fiscal strategy during the 1990s, saw the County awarded with a AA bond rating in 1999 and 2001, which <br />is normally reserved for those counties that show vision, planning, and foresight in their financial planning <br />and budgeting; <br />WHEREAS, Cabarrus County has added over 25,000 new residents since 1999, placing a <br />tremendous burden on our infrastructure systems such as roads, school buildings, utilities, and education; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, revenue shortfalls, coupled with increased demand for services and public <br />assistance, resulted in the loss of key revenue from the state to the county, and transferred a greater <br />burden to pay for the cost of state government to the local taxpayer; and <br />WHEREAS, from 2000 through 2005, the Board of Commissioners chose to use fund balance <br />and capital reserves Targeted to help build the new county jail and buy land for new schools to balance <br />the operating budget, thereby avoiding a tax increase; and <br />WHEREAS, use of one time revenues to fund recurring operating expenses only makes the <br />budget deficit bigger the next year; and <br />WHEREAS, a fund balance is positively necessary to achieve a minimal positive cash flow from <br />July 1 -December 31 each year; which provides no cushion whatsoever for unforeseen expenses; and <br />WHEREAS, the mean unreserved, undesignated fund balance as a percentage of expenditures <br />far other Aa2 counties is 21.4%; and <br />WHEREAS, all three of the major bond rating agencies, as well as the County's financial advisor <br />and underwriter, have warned the County against continuing the fiscally unsound practice of using fund <br />balance to pay for recurring expenses, creating a structural deficit; and <br />WHEREAS, the major bond rating agencies have also warned against allowing the undesignated <br />fund balance to fall below the current board policy of 15% as this practice will compromise the County's <br />ability to respond to emergencies; and <br />WHEREAS, the County continued to engage in unsound fiscal practices despite the warnings <br />received from the bond rating agencies, resulting in a "negative outlook" from Moody's Investors Service; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, a "negative outlook" is a precursor to a bond rating downgrade, unless the unsound <br />fiscal trend is reversed; and <br />WHEREAS, downgrading of the County's bond rating will result in higher interest rates being paid <br />on the County's debt, which will result in an increase in the amount paid each year to honor the County's <br />obligations, and could result in higher taxes for our families and property owners; and <br />Attachment number 1 <br />G-3 Page 92 <br />
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