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ADVOCACY <br />HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) <br />./-LOCAL DISCRETION, INSPECTION FEES -Support legislation that would provide greater discretion at the county <br />level to establish fees for the inspection of food and lodging facilities. <br />• While we were not successful in getting authority to set fees locally, the state-established food and lodging inspections <br />fees were increased to $75 and $250, respectively, which should result in additional revenues for counties. <br />./ RECORDS SHARING, COMMUNICABLE DISEASES -Support legislation which provides immunity from civil or <br />criminal liability to persons required to provide information and records to health officials conducting communicable disease <br />investigations when such information is not otherwise covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or <br />other federal or state law. <br />H1002 (Amend Public Health-Related Laws) amends public health laws to provide immunity from liability for a person <br />when they are required to provide information and records to health officials conducting communicable disease investiga- <br />tions when such information is not otherwise covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or <br />other federal and state law. H1002, sponsored by Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield (Wilson), was ratified by the General As- <br />sembly on Aug. 11. <br />X ALLOCATION FORMULAS, HEALTH AND HU- <br />MAN SERVICES - Support a study with representative <br />stakeholder participation to examine the county allocation <br />formulas applied by the Department of Health and Human <br />Services to determine the sufficiency, equity and efficiency <br />of each formula, assuring that formulas fairly respond to the <br />needs of all counties. <br />~/ SMOKING REGULATIONS -Support legislation to <br />allow Boards of Public Health, upon request of Boards of <br />County Commissioners, to adopt a rule or regulation regulating smoking in places of public accommodation. <br />H2 (Prohibit Smoking in Certain Public Places) prohibits smoking in all public places and places of employment, <br />defined as those enclosed spaces that invite or permit the public or that employees use. Local health departments will be <br />required to enforce the new law. Local health directors are authorized to impose certain administrative penalties on owners, <br />managers or operators of public places and places of employment who are found in violation. The new law is effective on <br />Jan. 1, 2010. H2 went beyond the Association's original goal by making the statewide smoking ban mandatory. However, <br />the legislation does achieve our legislative goal by granting local boards increased authority to adopt ordinances more re- <br />strictive than state law. H2, sponsored by Rep. Hugh Holliman (Davidson), was ratified by the General Assembly on May 14 <br />and signed by the Governor on May 19. <br />X BACK-UP GENERATORS FOR NEW NURSING HOMES -Support legislation to require all newly constructed nursing <br />homes to have back-up generators. (Adopted by the Board of Directors at its Feb. 18, 2009, meeting) <br />INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS <br />./ TRANSPORTATION FUNDING -Oppose legislation shifting the state's existing responsibility for funding transportation <br />construction and maintenance projects to county governments. <br />S758 (Transfer Secondary Road to Counties) would have shifted the state's existing responsibility for funding trans- <br />portation construction and maintenance projects to county governments. S758, sponsored by Senator Bob Rucho (Mecklen- <br />burg), was not acted on during the 2009 Session. However, this Ieg~lAtion remains eligible for the 2010 Session. Page 138 <br />