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PUBLIC EDUCATION <br />•/-PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE FUNDING -Support legislation to provide state assistance <br />to meet public school and community college construction needs caused by increased enrollment, mandated reduction in class size, <br />and other factors through a statewide referendum on a bond issue and/or through authority for counties to raise additional revenues <br />to meet facility needs, and to fund expansion budget requests of the community college system to meet demands resulting from <br />increased enrollment and to train and retrain workers responding to a changing economy. <br />• $58.1 million was appropriated for community college enrollment growth and $9 million for community college equipment; <br />however, $125 million incorporate income tax receipts for public school construction were lost to the state's general fund due to the <br />negative budget position. <br />./-EDUCATION CURRENT EXPENSE FUNDING -Support legislation to assure that the state define and support an adequate ba- <br />siceducation in all local school systems and appropriate adequate operating funds to fully fund its education initiatives with revenue <br />that is earmarked to pay the costs of those initiatives. The state should fund programs that continue to engage young people, pro- <br />vide individualized options that eliminate arbitrary barriers and provide students a range of opportunities through which they can gain <br />the credentials, skills and education they need to function in the modern economy of the 21st century. Specifically, the state should: <br />• Continue to fully fund the Low Wealth School Fund; and <br />• Appropriate funds for school resource officers on the basis of one position allotment for each middle school and high school <br />building for all school systems across the state; <br />• Appropriate funds for career technical (vocational) education in high schools. <br />• Expansion funding limited <br />• Funds for vocational education were appropriated to community colleges rather than high schools <br />~% PUBLIC SCHOOL CAPITAL BUILDING FUND -Support legislation to assure that the Public School Capital Building Fund <br />remains intact and to direct the State Treasurer to report on long-term commitments that are dependent on this fund. Counties and <br />schools should not be deprived of these resources as they were deprived of state support for school utility costs in 1991-92. <br />• The budget preserves the 40 percent of net lottery revenues for school <br />construction, budgeting $147.2 million for 2009-10. <br />• While the budget did not change the statutory school construction <br />lottery distribution formula, the technical corrections act provided that any <br />net revenues in excess of approved levels will go to those counties whose <br />effective tax rates are below the statewide average. <br />• The budget does, however, suspend for two years the automatic distri- <br />bution of the ADM Fund. The automatic distribution will resume in 2011-12 <br />unless further legislative action is taken. <br />X COMMUNITY COLLEGE GOVERNANCE -Support legislation to re- <br />view the process through which members of the various boards of trustees <br />of the several community colleges are appointed to determine whether the <br />system provides for adequate representation from counties responsible for <br />supporting multi-county campuses. <br />X SALES TAX REFUNDS -Support legislation to allow public school <br />systems to regain access to sales tax refunds. <br />• There were many bills introduced that would have accomplished this <br />goal, which was also a primary goal of the NC School Boards Association <br />However, because it would have negatively impacted the state's budget <br />position, none of the bills were adopted. <br />LEGAL <br />The Board of Directors authorized the Asso- <br />ciation to participate in several amicus briefs <br />(Friends of the Court) during the past year. <br />• N.C. Insurance Guaranty Association v. <br />Board of Trustees of Guilford Technical Com- <br />munity College involves an effort by the Guar- <br />anty Association to obtain reimbursement from <br />Guilford Technical Community College. <br />• Union County Landowners Association <br />et. al. v. Union County involves a challenge to <br />the county's School Adequate Public Facility <br />Ordinance (SAPFO). <br />• Tonter Investments Inc. v Pasquotank <br />County involves a challenge to a county's abil- <br />ity to regulate development. <br />• Paddock v. Wake County involves an inter- <br />pretation of N.C.G.S. §1-77 (venue) -the juris- <br />diction in which a public officer can be sued. <br />G-4 Page 141 <br />