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2009 Legislative Agenda <br />1. Oppose legislation that gives school boards authority to levy taxes and assume <br />all county responsibilities for school funding. <br />2. Seek a local bill to enlarge the Board of county Commissioners to seven seats; <br />five district and two at-large, with voting at-large for all seats. The bill should <br />include a map indicating the districts and specify the manner of election and <br />terms. <br />3. Seek a local bill for a transportation tax (one-half percent sales tax); controlled by <br />Board of Commissioners. Prior to filing, the bill should specify the portion of the <br />proceeds that will be used for roads and the portion to be used for public transit. <br />Additionally, the bill should provide for the establishment of an oversight or <br />advisory committee with representation from the county's municipalities. <br />4. Seek new legislation to subject local government utilities to some sort of <br />oversight and coordination. <br />5. Support continuation of funding of JCPC and CJPP by General Assembly. <br />Funding for these programs is in jeopardy. <br />6. Oppose any new bill similar to S1180-No Monetary Exaction for Development, or <br />any other bill that seeks to pre-empt or reduce local government authority related <br />to adequate public facilities ordinances, impact fees, etc. <br />7. Streamline the voter registration and reporting requirements placed on county <br />departments of social services. <br />8. Annexation. Changes to the legislation governing municipal annexation are <br />expected in 2009. Land use and utility plans adopted jointly by the annexing <br />municipality and county (similar to the interlocal agreement between Concord <br />and Cabarrus in the central area) should be a prerequisite of involuntary <br />annexation. If a referendum is established as a prerequisite, then it should be <br />voted upon by only those in the area proposed for annexation and the election <br />should be funded by the municipality. <br />9. Transportation. The 21St Century Transportation Committee recommendations. <br />Oppose efforts to transfer responsibility for maintenance and construction of <br />roads from the state to local governments without the state providing adequate <br />and continual funding. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />G-4 Page 125 <br />