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JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY <br /> COUNTY INVOLVEMENT <br />~/- E-911 FUNDS -Support legislation to preserve county revenue from E-911 <br />charges and allow counties greater flexibility in the use of the funds; and restruc- Many county officials participated <br />ture the 911 Board created by G.S. 62A-41 to add additional local government in the Association's legislative process <br />representation. throughout the year. While the General <br /> Assembly was in session, Association <br />H1480 (Study Expand Permitted 911 Fund Uses) would have accomplished staff conducted weekly Legislative brief- <br />this goal, but was amended to be a study of the issue. The study results will be ings via teleconference with our county <br />reported during the Short Session. Sponsored by Reps. Angela Bryant (Halifax) managers and provided briefing notes for <br />and Lucy Allen (Franklin), H1480 as originally introduced would have expanded the those commissioners who serve as Legis- <br />allowed uses for 911 funds to include the lease, purchase, operation and mainte- lative Liaisons. We installed an electronic <br />Hance of consoles and communications equipment and radio or microwave towers bill-tracker system on our Web site to <br />and equipment. The bill met with considerable opposition from the telephone provide timely bill status updates for our <br />company interests, and during the course of deliberations was turned into a study members. <br />of giving more flexibility in the use of the funds. This study was incorporated into <br />the 2009 Studies Bill. It is relevant to note that the study will be conducted by the Through these initiatives, our mem- <br />Legislative Research Commission. bers are more engaged in our advocacy <br /> program than ever, achieving our goal <br />X REIMBURSEMENT, STATE INMATES IN COUNTY JAILS -Seek legislation to of enhancing their ability to represent <br />increase the daily reimbursement rate for housing state inmates in county jails. counties on local, statewide and national <br /> issues. <br />• See state budget section for more information. <br /> In addition, many commissioners <br />~ GANG PREVENTION -Support additional funds for gang prevention, interven- served on one of the Association's seven <br />tion and suppression activities. steering committees -Public Education, <br /> Environment, Justice and Public Safety, <br />The state budget appropriated additional gang prevention funding through the Human Services, Agriculture, Tax & Fi- <br />American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) for prevention, inter- Hance and Intergovernmental Relations. <br />vention and suppression of gang related activities. <br /> Number of County Commissioners <br />X METHAMPHETAMINE LABS -Support legislation and appropriations to miti- who serve on each steering committee: <br />gate the prevalence of methamphetamine production and use through the state. <br /> 26 -Intergovernmental Relations <br />• Expansion funds limited. <br /> 25 -Public Education <br />X COURT FACILITIES FEE -Support legislation to allow counties to collect ad- <br />ditional facilities fees to help fund capital, operational and other needs associated 22 -Tax & Finance <br />with ever-increasing judicial activities. <br /> 19 -Human Services <br />• Fees were increased, but court funding was decreased in other areas - no net <br />gain for counties. 18 -Justice and Public Safety <br />~ CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION -Support legislation which requires 15 -Agriculture <br />sharing of information by the juvenile justice system with the adult criminal system <br />during the conduct of any felony-level criminal investigation. 12 -Environment <br />S984 (Access to Juvenile Records, Violent Offenders) amends the juvenile For steering committee membership, <br />code regarding access to and use of juvenile court records when the individual is recent news and other information, visit <br />later charged as an adult in a criminal proceeding. This bill authorizes prosecutors <br />at their discretion to share information obtained from a juvenile's record with magis- <br />trates. This information may be used for pretrial release, plea negotiating decisions, <br />and plea acceptance decisions. S984 was sponsored by Floyd McKissick (Durham) <br />and was ratified by the General Assembly on Aug. 11. <br />G-4 Page 135 <br />