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independent Tribune <br />Advertising Affidavit <br />North Carolina Community Newspapers <br />PO Box 968 <br />Hickory, NC 28603 <br />CAB CO FINANCE - LEGALS <br />P O BOX 707 <br />CONCORD, NC 28026 <br />Account Nttmher <br />3135475 <br />Date <br />May 06, 2010 <br />Date Category Description Ad Number Ad Size <br />05/11/2010 Legal Notices ADVERTISEMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FO 0001870907 2 x 55 L <br />ADVERTISEMENT Media General Operations, Inc. <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR VEHICLE <br />MAINTENANCE SERVICES Publisher of <br />Cabarrus County Transportation service <br />(COTS) will receive request for proposals (RFP) <br />to establls vehicle maintenance service con- <br />tracts. it Is the intent of this RFP to establish Independent Tribune <br />][able coontreactor contracts hcontract(s) s will bedco re- <br />t <br />reimbursement, all work vdll be priced and pre Cabarrus County <br />approved prior to the start of the worst efforts. <br />COTS will enter into a contract for a 36 -month <br />period with two twelve month extensions. <br />The maintenance service contracts will be <br />funded in whole or in part with American Re- <br />covery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds and Before Cite undersigned Notar Public of Catawba County, North <br />contractors will be required to comply with the a ry <br />requirements of the ARRA. Carolina, duly conunissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to <br />Cabarrus County is an ual opportunity em- adininister Oat hs, in said County and State; that lie /she is authorized to <br />plover. Disadvantaged usiness Enterprises <br />syd be afforded full opportunity to submit pro• make this affidavit and Swom statement; that the notice or other legal <br />posais and compete for subeontracti" work. <br />DBE Contractors must be certified and regis- advertisement, a copy ofwhicli is attached hereto, was published in the <br />tered on the NCDOT Directory: <br />https! /apps dot state Independent Tribune on the following dates: <br />Interested parties may obtain a complete copy <br />of the Request for proposal by contacting: 05/05/2010 <br />Randy Bass stOgg.rtaxi70 Director <br />Concord HC 28026-0707 <br />704-920.2921 <br />crbass? <br />and that the said newspaper in which such notice, or legal advertisement <br />Sealed pro posals are due by 2:00 Co n. on Ma <br />t7 2010 at Poll Office Box 707 ncord N C was p ublished, was a newspaper meeting all the i equirements and <br />2AA -07071 or, by hand delive at 28 uatifications of Section 1 -597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />Branchview Drive, Concord NO 28025. Awards q <br />are expected to occur within forty-five days af- <br />ter the proposals are opened. <br />No one who has been disbarred from contract - <br />In g with the state or federal government should <br />submitaproposal. Jg2 l�st rBookkeeper <br />Cabarrus County or their Governing Board re- <br />serve the right to acceet or retell an or all Ne«spaper reference: 0001870907 <br />P roposats to waive m nor tee nlcalit es and <br />nformalities and to make an award deemed fn <br />its own best Interest <br />PUBLISH: May 5, 2010 S <br />worn to and subscri bed before Inc, this 4 2 May of 2010 <br />rr rrr r7 <br />A � <br />pTAf�� <br />C) <br />taly Commission expire �� �; <br />THIS IS NOT A BILL. PLEASE PAY FROM INVOICE. THAI 5 %em 00 <br />_Attachment- number- l - -____ ._. <br />F -5 Page 128 <br />