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Closing may be held in escrow through an agent designated by COUNTY or as otherwise agreed to by the <br />parties. <br />9. Closing Documentation At Closing, Seller shall execute and deliver to COUNTY the <br />following: <br />(a) A general warranty deed on the most recent North Carolina Bar Association form (the <br />"Deed ") conveying to COUNTY title to the Property free and clear of all liens, charges and <br />encumbrances, except those matters of record as of the Effective Date that are approved by <br />COUNTY, or not objected to in a timely manner under Paragraph 12 (collectively, the <br />"Permitted Encumbrances "). <br />(b) An owner's and contractor's affidavit on a form acceptable to COUNTY's title insurer. <br />(c) A FIRPTA affidavit in the form complying with law so that withholding will not be <br />required. <br />(d) Any other documents necessary in order to close the transaction in accordance with the <br />terms of this Agreement. <br />The closing documentation shall be prepared by COUNTY, and drafts of each closing document <br />shall be submitted to Seller at least fifteen (15) days before Closing. <br />10. Closing Costs Seller shall pay for the revenue stamps on, and preparation of the Deed <br />and other closing documents listed in Paragraph 9. COUNTY shall be responsible for the cost of <br />recording the Deed, and the cost of title examination, the title insurance premium, the survey <br />contemplated by Paragraph 13, and COUNTY's other due diligence investigations. Each party shall pay <br />its own attorneys' fees and any other costs and expenses that it may incur in connection with the <br />transaction contemplated hereby. <br />11. Taxes All real estate taxes assessed against the Property for the year in which the <br />Closing occurs and prior years, whether or not due and payable as of the Closing Date, shall be paid in <br />full by Seller on or prior to the Closing. All personal property taxes and any special assessments or roll- <br />back taxes against the Property shall be paid in full by Seller on or prior to the Closing Date. <br />12. Title Examination COUNTY will promptly examine the title to the Property. If <br />COUNTY does not approve the title to the Property to be received by COUNTY, COUNTY shall advise <br />Seller in writing, during the Term, of the objections to title, and Seller shall have a period often (10) days <br />after the date of the notice'within which to remedy the objections to the satisfaction of COUNTY. The <br />objections to title may be based on a survey of the Property obtained by COUNTY under Paragraph 13. <br />Seiler covenants to cure, at or prior to Closing, all objections that may be satisfied by the payment of a <br />fixed sum of motley, such as deeds of trust, mortgages or statutory liens, and Seller's failure to cure such <br />objections shall be a default under this Agreement. If the other objections raised by COUNTY are not <br />cured or remedied within the ten (10) day period, COUNTY may at its election either: (a) accept title to <br />the Property subject to the objections, or (b) terminate this Agreement, and receive the return of the <br />Option Fee. In addition, Seller shall allow no encumbrances or easements to be placed on or granted with <br />respect to the Property, other than those existing as of the Effective Date, without the prior written <br />consent of COUNTY. If any such encumbrances or easements arise prior to the Closing Date and <br />COUNTY objects, Seller shall, at its sole expense, cure the objections. <br />AMOPM number 1 <br />F -13 <br />