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(h) Seller is not aware of any facts that would adversely affect COUNTY's intended <br />use of the Property as a nature ]reserve, wildlife sanctuary, park, or other conservation holding. <br />(i) Seller is a Limited Liability company duly formed and validly existing under the <br />laws of the State of North Carolina. Seller has full power and authority to enter into this <br />Agreement, and to convey the Property to COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this <br />Agreement. <br />0) This Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of <br />Seller and has been duly executed and delivered by Seller and the documents to be delivered by <br />Seller at the Closing will be duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Seller and <br />will be duly executed and delivered by Seller. <br />All of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement shall survive, and be enforceable <br />after, the Closing Date. Seller agrees that the truthfulness of each of the foregoing matters is a condition <br />precedent to COUNTY's performance under this Agreement, and all of the foregoing matters shall be <br />deemed repeated at Closing. Upon the breach by Seller of any representation or warranty made in this <br />Paragraph 19, COUNTY may, prior to the Closing Date, terminate this Agreement and receive the return <br />of the Option Fee. The foregoing remedy is not intended to be an exclusive remedy of COUNTY. <br />20. Condemnation If any taking pursuant to the power of eminent domain is threatened or <br />occurs before the Closing Date as to all or any portion of the Property, including any access or other <br />easements benefiting the Property, or a sale occurs in lieu thereof, COUNTY may elect either to: (a) <br />terminate this Agreement by delivery of written notice of termination to Seller within ten (10) days after <br />written notice from Seller of the condemnation or threat thereof; or (b).proceed to Closing, in which <br />event all proceeds, awards and other payments arising from any such taking or sale of the Property shall <br />be assigned to and paid to COUNTY, without any adjustment of the Purchase Price. If COUNTY elects <br />to terminate this Agreement, the Option Fee shall be returned to COUNTY. <br />21. Defaults and Liquidated Damages If COUNTY defaults under this Agreement, the <br />sole remedy of Seller shall be to retain the Option Fee as liquidated damages, it being agreed that Seller's <br />damages in the event of a default by COUNTY would be difficult to estimate precisely and that the <br />Option Fee constitutes the parties' best estimate of such damages. If Seller defaults under this <br />Agreement, COUNTY shall be entitled to exercise all remedies available to it at law or in equity, <br />including, without limitation, an action for specific performance (and if COUNTY is successful in <br />obtaining specific performance, Seller agrees to indemnify COUNTY for all COUNTY's costs and <br />expenses, including, without ]imitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, incurred in such <br />action), and COUNTY may terminate this Agreement and receive an immediate refund of the Option Fee. <br />Notwithstanding the above, in the event of a default by Seller, COUNTY's damages, if any, including any <br />indemnification of costs and expenses by Seller, shall be limited to a total of Twenty Five Thousand and <br />No /100 Dollars ($25,000.00). <br />22. Land Use COUNTY represents to Seller that it intends to preserve the Property in its <br />relatively natural condition, and to use the Property for trails and passive recreation and only in a manner <br />consistent with the preservation and maintenance of the Conservation Values of the Property. <br />22.1 After the development of the adjacent property currently owned by Seller, or Seller's <br />successors or assigns, COUNTY will not unreasonably object to stormwater discharge across the Property <br />into Creek if such discharge is in accordance with and permitted by the relevant storm water <br />AWdgnMd number 1 <br />F -13 <br />