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Springfield Free Public Library /Township of Springfield <br />1. The ILS must support the ability for the creation of a patron reading <br />profile or preferences. <br />2. The reading profile must permit the entry of preferred authors, <br />subjects and genre. <br />3. The ILS must support the ability to limit the patron preferences by <br />publication date range, language, and /or material type <br />4. The ILS must support the ability for the library to define delivery <br />schedules. <br />5. The ILS must support the ability to add additional notes such as <br />delivery directions. <br />6. The ILS must support the ability to designate an authorized "Pick up <br />person" who can take items to the patron. <br />7. The ILS must support the ability to create selection lists for patrons <br />based on a reading preference profile for each patron. <br />8. Selection list processing must: <br />a. avoid titles previously checked out by the patron. <br />b. allow a designation of the total number of items to send and an <br />alert when the patron has reached their limit. <br />9. The ILS must support the ability to print a check -list to be reviewed <br />by the patron who may choose what materials he or she would like <br />to receive. <br />10. The ILS must support the ability to maintain a reading history of all <br />titles checked out by the patron. <br />11. The ILS must support separate circ stat reports for outreach <br />services. <br />12. The ILS must support the ability to either combine or separate <br />outreach circ stats in circ reports. <br />N� <br />Vendor to highlight Outreach Services strengths it feels its ILS has for the library. (Insert sheets <br />as required) <br />C:IProgram FilesWeevia.ComlDocument Converterltemp lPDFConvert.3395.1.Springfield Free ILS RFP March <br />2010. doc 48 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -12 Page 207 <br />