Laserfiche WebLink
LibraryeSolution Integrated Library System <br />Contract for <br />Springfield Free Public Library <br />THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement ") is made between The Library <br />Corporation, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, with its principal <br />place of business at Research Park, Inwood, West Virginia, party of the first part (hereinafter referred <br />to as "The Library Corporation "), and Springfield Free Public Library, party of the second part <br />(hereinafter referred to as "Library" or "Licensee "). <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, The Library Corporation has developed a computerized System (hereinafter referred to as <br />"Library•Solution" or "Library. Solution ") consisting of Hardware and Software for Authority Control, <br />Cataloging /Database Management, Public Access Catalog, Circulation, Acquisitions, Serials Control, <br />OPAC access via the WWW, external /internal multimedia Database access, internet sessions, <br />Management Information Systems, and Z39.50 server, and is currently providing System Services to <br />libraries and the Library is desirous of having such services provided at its location; <br />NOW, THEREFORE the parties mutually agree as follows: <br />Definitions <br />1.1 " Hardware " is defined as all Hardware and products including, but not limited to, the (a) <br />computer, disk drives, tape drive(s), and interface, (b) monitor(s) and terminals, (c) barcode <br />scanner(s), (d) printers, (e) wiring and communication devices and (f) supplies for such <br />Hardware. <br />1.1.2 " Dataserver " is defined as the computer on which the Library's Database resides. <br />1.2 " Licensed Software and " Modules " are defined as Library•Solution computer programs, <br />including, but not limited to, (a) the integrated Library Systems in the Dataserver, (b) the PC- <br />based Modules provided by The Library Corporation that are resident in the PC workstation(s), <br />and (c) the operational programs stored in the Dataserver. The Licensed Software is listed in <br />Schedule D and includes all corrections, modifications and enhancements thereof, as well as <br />all applicable Oracle licenses and Licensed Software. <br />1.2.1 " System " is defined as all Hardware and Software provided to the Library by The Library <br />Corporation. <br />1.2.2 " Initial Customer Database is defined as the Library's existing electronic bibliographic, patron, <br />and transaction data. <br /> " Data Conversion is defined as the migration by The Library Corporation of the Library's Initial <br />Customer Database for use with Library•Solution. <br />1.2.3 " Online Public Access Catalog Workstation" or "OPAC Workstation is defined as any <br />workstation capable of operating a graphical user interface and equipped with a web browser <br />for the purpose of accessing only the OPAC Software Module of Library•Solution. <br />Library Contract Page I of I <br />Attachment number 4 <br />F -12 Page 300 <br />