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bankruptcy proceedings or otherwise, and any such assignment or attempted assignment shall <br />be void and in no event shall this Agreement or any rights or privileges hereunder be an asset <br />of the Library under any bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization proceedings. <br />4 Return or Destruction of Licensed Software If this Agreement is terminated the use of all <br />Software Materials licensed hereunder must be discontinued by the Library and all Software <br />Materials must be returned to The Library Corporation, or if so requested in writing by The <br />Library Corporation, destroyed. Within one (1) month after the date of discontinuance of any <br />license granted hereunder, the Library will fumish to The Library Corporation if requested, a <br />certification that through the Library's best efforts and to the best of the Library's knowledge, <br />the original and all copies of the Licensed Software received from The Library Corporation or <br />made in connection with such license have been returned or destroyed. This requirement will <br />apply to all copies in any form, including translations, whether partial or complete, and whether <br />or not modified or merged into other program materials as authorized herein. <br />5 Library Corporation Fees and Deliverables According to the Statistics in Schedule A, and <br />subject to any special conditions appended in Schedule I, Additional Considerations, The <br />Library Corporation will provide deliverables detailed in the following schedules at the fees <br />indicated: <br />Schedule B: Conversion Processing <br />Schedule C: Hardware Configuration and Support Costs <br />Schedule D: Software <br />Schedule E: Cataloging Database Subscriptions <br />Schedule F: Installation and Training <br />Schedule G: Payment Schedule <br />Schedule H: Hardware Maintenance <br />Schedule I: Additional Considerations <br />6 Payment Payments for Hardware, Software, and all other goods and services shall be made <br />in accordance with the terms that are set forth in Schedule G. Fees enumerated in Schedules <br />B though F are summarized in Schedule G. <br />7 Site Preparation It is understood and agreed that the aforesaid fees do not include any site <br />preparation or installation costs except as described in Schedule F, Installation and Training. <br />8 Licenses The Library Corporation hereby grants to the Library a perpetual, non - transferable <br />and non - exclusive license to use the Licensed Software. <br />8.1 Each License granted under this Agreement authorizes the Library to: (a) use the Licensed <br />Software, in object code form only, at the location specified herein and on the designated <br />number of display units at the location and a number of remote locations authorized in <br />Schedule A, or as provided by Schedule C, (b) utilize the Licensed Software Materials in <br />printed form and the Database in machine - readable form in support of the use of the licensed <br />program. <br />8.2 No title to or ownership of the Software is transferred to the Library, and it remains the <br />proprietary property of The Library Corporation. <br />8.3 The Library shall not allow the Software or any portion thereof to be reverse compiled or <br />disassembled. <br />Library Contract Page 3 of .3 <br />Attachment number 4 <br />F -12 Page 302 <br />