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C <br />GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />2008-2009 HOME PROGRAM <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS, that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes <br />of North Carolina, the following project ordinance is hereby adopted: <br />Section 1. The project authorized is the Community Development project described in <br />the work statement contained in the grant agreement between this unit and the City of <br />Concord. The project is more familiarly known as the 2008-2009 <br />Cabarrus/Iredell/Rowan HOME Program. <br />Section 2. The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project <br />within the terms of the grant document(s), the rules and regulations of City of Concord <br />and the U.S. Department of HUD and the budget contained herein. <br />Section 3. The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete this <br />project. <br />$127,352 .............................HOME Program Grant <br />$ 45,000 ..............................Local Match funds <br />Section 4. The following amounts are appropriated for the project: <br />1. Housing Rehabilitation----------------$165,143 <br />2. Administration--------------------------$7,209 <br />Section 5. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project <br />Fund sufficient detailed accounting records to provide the accounting to the grantor <br />agency required by the grant agreement(s) and the federal and state regulations. <br />Section 6. Requests for funds should be made to the grantor agency in an orderly and <br />timely manner as funds are obligated and expenses incurred. <br />Section 7. The Finance Officer is directed to report monthly in the financial reports the <br />status of each project element in Section 4 and on the total revenues received or claimed. <br />Section 8. The Budget Officer is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future <br />costs and revenues on this grant project in every budget submission made to this Board. <br />Section 9. Copies of this grant ordinance shall be made available to the Budget Officer <br />and the Finance Director for directions in carrying out this project. <br />Project Budget Ordinance <br />2009 HOME Program <br />-1- <br />Item# 4 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F_2 Page 102 of 253 <br /> <br />~i <br />i] <br />f' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />kl <br />hi <br /> <br />