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CJPP Application for Continuation of Implementation Funding <br />is designed to have, and a list of measurable OBJECTIVES to meet those goals. <br />Goals Objectives to meet Goal <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />To reduce recidivism among offenders Compile a yearly statitical base of successfully completed offenders <br />with substance abuse or dependency and research a background check to determine the percentage, if any, <br />problems. who reoffend. <br />To assist those offenders with identified At least 50% of offenders in CJPP successfully complete the program. <br />substance abuse problems to successfully <br />complete a treatment experience. <br />Promote effective use of state and county <br />non-profit agencies who are involved in <br />community corrections. <br />To reduce the number of probation <br />revocations at each fiscal year, thus <br />reducing the costs to the State and the <br />County for incarceration. <br />To provide resources for appropriate <br />offenders for cognitive behavioral <br />intervention (CBI) as taught from a <br />certified instructor. <br />All offenders enrolled in CJPP will participate in a community support <br />group, such as AA or NA, at least two (2) times per week. All <br />offenders will be exposed and directed to use any community-based <br />resources that would be conducive to their rehabilitation. <br />All offender participating in CJPP who subsequently become in <br />violation of their probation will be staffed by the program director and <br />!DCC personnel for placement in a relapse prevention track. <br />This will be taught by a certified CBI officer as an integral part of the <br />iCJPP program. <br />1~. Program Capacity Data <br />Sentenced <br />Offender <br />Provide the following information regarding program services: <br />[A] 1. What was the actual TOTAL number of people served during FY 2007 - 2008? 80 <br />2. What is the estimated TOTAL number of people to be served during FY 2008 - 2009? * 75 <br />3. What is the estimated TOTAL number of people to be served during FY 2009 - 2010? * 115 <br />* Consider treament slots, length of time in treatment, and total budget when estimating total number of people <br />served. <br />[B] Check all services that apply On Site Off Site <br />[1] C`i Substance Abuse Treatment C~J Assessment ~1 ^ <br /> ~ ROPT ~ ^ <br /> ~1 IOPT ECi ^ <br /> ~1 Support Services EG ^ <br /> 5f-1 After Care ~ ^ <br /> ~- Drug Screens ~1 ^ <br /> ~1 Other E~J ^ <br />[2] ^ Educational Services ^ ^ <br />[3] ^ Job Development Services ^ ^ <br /> Attachment number 1 <br /> SaveForm 3/10/2009 <br />