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[] <br />MEMORANDUM <br />r <br />To: Cabamis Coun Board of Commissioners <br />From: Kassie Goodson Watts/Senior Planner <br />Subject: Consent Agreement and School Capacity Information for Roycroft Subdivision <br />Date: 2/23/2009 <br />The Roy~roft subdivision project was approved by the Cabarnts County Planning and Zoning Board on <br />March 15, 2007. The preliminary plat was granted a one year extension on February 19, 2009 setting a <br />new expiration date of March 15, 2010. This subdivision project is approved for 361 single family homes <br />on + /- 262.42 acres and is located on Flowes Store Road. <br />The Cabams County Board of Commissioners previously approved a Consent Agreement for this <br />subdivision development. The existing Consent Agreement is set to expire on March 15, 2009. The <br />developer is seeking an extension of the existing agreement. The specifics of the agreement are as follows: <br />^ Developer -TDW Holdings, LLC, 6707 Fairview Road, Suite B, Charlotte, NC 28210. <br />^ Payirent of $40.'i4 per single family lot will be due at Final Platting. <br />^ Proposed build out scl>ecka]e is Calendar year 2009, no more than 991ots platted, Calendar year <br />2010, no more than 991ots platted, Calendar year 2011, rio more than 991ots platted, and <br />Calendar year 2012, no more than 641ots platted <br /> <br />The APFO worksheet filled out by Mr. Robert Kluttz with Cabam.ts County Schools indicates that <br />schools impacted by the Roycroft subdivision proj ect are currently functioning at the following capacities: <br />Note: These percentages are based on the enrollment figures from January 6, 2009. <br />Bethel E lementarySchool -78.69% <br />CC Griffin lvfiddle School -129.29% <br />Central Cabams High School - 79.89% <br />Including previously approved subdivisions, these schools will be functioning at the following capacity <br />upon completion of the Royrroft subdivision project: <br /> <br />Bethel E lementarySchool -154.84 <br />CC. Griffin Nfiddle School - 201.10% <br />Central Cabams High School -117.25% <br />The Capital Improvements Plan (C[P) includes a new elementary school in 2010 adjacent to CC Griffin <br />]Vfiddle School with capacity for 1000 students. Land has been acc~rired for this project. The CIP also <br />includes a new elementary in 2013 south of Hamsburg with capacity for 800 students. These schools <br />would relieve AT. Allen, Bethel, Harrisburg and Rocky River E lementary Schools. The AT. Allen <br />replacement school is projected to open in 2010 enabling the satellite students at Bethel Elemaztary to <br />ret~.nn to AT. Allen E lementary. The capacity at AT. Allen will be increased from 483 to 1000 seats. <br />iddl <br />h <br />l i <br />i <br />l <br />d i <br />h <br />l <br />f <br />2010 <br />h <br />f H <br />i <br />b <br />h <br />ld <br />li <br />A <br />1200 <br />d <br />seat m <br />nc <br />n t <br />an <br />or <br />sout <br />o <br />arr <br />s <br />urg t <br />at wou <br />re <br />eve <br />new <br />e sc <br />oo <br />s <br />u <br />e <br />e p <br />CC. Griffin and J.N. Fries Nfiddle Schools. A 175 seat addition at Central Cabamis High School is <br />proposed for 2013. The CIP also includes a new 1500 seat high school in the west/central area of the <br />County for 2013 that will provide relief for Central Cabams, J.M Robinson, Hickory Ridge and Concord <br />High Schools. <br />Cabams County Schools operating at 110% capacity are considered to be operating at maximtun <br />capacity. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F - 2 Page 163 of 286 <br />