Laserfiche WebLink
<br />at: http://wwwscstatehouse.nedcoderegs/statmast.htm . [02-2A040-1] <br />COMPLETION OF FORMS/CORRECTION OF ERRORS (JAN 2006) <br />All prices and notations should be printed in ink or typewritten. Errors should be crossed out, corrections entered and initialed by the <br />person signing the bid. Do not modify the solicitation document itself (including bid schedule). (Applicable only to offers submitted on <br />paper.) [02-2A045-1] <br />DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF OFFER (JAN 2004) <br />Any offer received after the Procurement Officer of the governmental body or his designee has declared that the time set for opening has <br />arrived, shall be rejected unless the offer has been delivered to the designated purchasing office or the governmental bodies mail room <br />which services that purchasing office prior to the bid opening. [R.19-445.2070(H)] [02-2A050-1] <br />DRUG FREE WORK PLACE CERTIFICATION (JAN 2004) <br />By submitting au Offer, Contractor certifies that, if awazded a contract, Contractor will comply with all applicable provisions of The <br />Drug-free Workplace Act, Title 44, Chapter 107 of the South Cazolina Code of Laws, as amended. [02-2A06~-1] <br />DUTY TO INQUIRE (JAN 2006) <br />Offeror, by submitting an Offer, represents that it has read and understands the Solicitation and that its Offer is made in compliance with <br />the Solicitation. Offerors aze expected to examine the Solicitation thoroughly and should request an explanation of any ambiguities, <br />discrepancies, errors, omissions, or wnflicting statements in the Solicitation. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror's risk. Offeror <br />assumes responsibility for any patent ambiguity in the Solicitation that Offeror does not bring to the State's attention. [02-2A070-1] <br />ETHICS CERTIFICATE (JAN 2004) <br />By submitting an Offer, You certify that You aze in compliance with South Cazoluia's Ethics, Government Accountability, and Campaign <br />Reform Act of 1991, as amended. The following statutes require special attention: (a) Offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving anything <br />of value to influence action of public employee Section 8-13-790, (b) Recovery of kickbacks Section 8-13-790, (c) Offering, soliciting, or <br />receiving money for advice or assistance of public official Section 8-13-720, (d) Use or disclosure of confidential information Section 8- <br />13-725, and (e) Persons hired to assist in the prepazation of specifications or evaluation of bids Section 8-13-1150. [02-2A075-1] <br />OMIT TAXES FROM PRICE (JAN 2004) <br />Do not include any sales or use taxes in your price that the State may be required to pay. [02-2A080-1] <br />PROTESTS (JUNE 2006) <br />Any prospective bidder, offeror, contractor, or subcontractor who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation of a contract shall <br />protest within fifteen days of the date of issuance of the applicable solicitation document at issue. Any actual bidder, offeror, contractor, <br />or subcontractor who is aggrieved in connection with the intended awazd or award of a contract shall protest within ten days of the date <br />notification of award is posted in accordance with this code. A protest shall be in writing, shall set forth the grounds of the protest and <br />the relief requested with enough particularity to give notice of the issues to be decided, and must be received by the appropriate Chief <br />Procurement Officer within the time provided. See clause entitled "Protest-CPO". [# 11-35-4210] [02-2A085-1] <br />PUBLIC OPENING (JAN 2004) <br />Offers will be publicly opened at the date/time and at the location identified on the Cover Page, or last Amendment, whichever is <br />applicable. [02-2A090-1] <br />QUESTIONS FROM OFFERORS (JAN 2004) <br />(a) Any prospective offeror desiring an explanation or interpretation of the solicitation, drawings, specifications, etc., must request it in <br />~~riting. Questions must be received by the Procurement Officer no later than five (5) days prior to opening unless otherwise stated on <br />the Cover Page. Label any communication regarding your questions with the name of the procurement ofYlcer, and the solicitation's title <br />and number. Oral explanations or instructions will not be binding. Any information given a prospective offeror concerning a solicitation <br />will be furnished promptly to all other prospective offerors as an Amendment to the solicitation, if that information is necessary for <br />submitting offers or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to other prospective offerors. (b) The State seeks to permit maximum <br />practicable competition. Offerors are urged to advise the Procurement Officer -- as soon as possible -- regarding any aspect of this <br />Page 6 <br />F-7 <br /> <br /> <br />i~ <br /> <br /> <br />i~ <br />L <br />7 <br />J <br /> <br />J <br />it <br /> <br />i <br />C <br />n <br /> <br />Attachment number 3 <br />Page 146 of 433 <br />