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expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees, court costs and costs of <br />settlement) which directly or indirectly results from or arises out of any errors, omissions, <br />negligent acts or breach by Provider of any of its representations, warranties, covenants <br />or obligations in this Agreement. <br />25. County agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Provider from <br />against any and all losses, judgments, claims, demands, liabilities, damages, costs and <br />expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys fees, court costs and costs of <br />settlement) which directly results from or arises out of any breach by County of any of its <br />representations, warranties, covenants or obligations in the Agreement or its acts or <br />omissions in carrying out this agreement. <br />26. Each party shall give the other notice in writing by registered mail of the <br />existence of any such action, claim or demand giving rise to a claim for indemnity under <br />this Agreement within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written assertion of a claim or <br />liability; provided, however, the failure to give such notice shall affect the indemnitor's <br />obligations hereunder only to the extent the indemnitor is materially prejudiced by such <br />failure. The indemnitor shall not, without the prior written consent of the indemnitee, <br />settle or compromise any claim or consent to the entry of any judgment without the <br />consent of the other party. All indemnifications made by the parties shall survive the <br />termination of the Agreement. <br />27. Each party agrees to use its commercially reasonable best efforts to <br />cooperate in the investigation, mitigation, defense and settlement of any third-party <br />claim; to permit the cooperation and participation of the other parties in any such claim or <br />action; and to promptly notify the other parties of the occurrence of any indemnified <br />event or material developments or amounts due respecting any indemnified event. <br />28. In the event any party to this Agreement, in consultation with counsel, <br />develops a good faith concern that any provision of the Agreement or any activity of any <br />other party is in violation of any applicable federal, state or local laws or any regulation, <br />order or policy issued under any such laws, including, but not limited to, Medicare and <br />Medicaid or HIPAA, such party shall immediately notify the other parties, in writing, of <br />such concern and the specific activities given rise to such concern and the reasons <br />therefore. If an agreement on a method for resolving such concern is not reached within <br />(30) days of such written notice, the activities described in the notice will cease or be <br />appropriately altered until the concern is resolved. If the parties cannot agree on a <br />method of resolving the concern, the Agreement may be terminated. <br />29. This agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of <br />North Carolina. <br />30. All notices which may be required by this Agreement or any rule of law <br />shall be effective when received by certified mail sent to the following addresses: <br />F-8 <br />