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<br /> <br />Minutes of Public Hearing <br />Concerning Proposed Financing of up to X2,000,000 <br />by <br />Odell Vohlnteer Fire & Rescue, Incorporated <br />for the <br />Shiloh Church Road Station Project <br />ublished notice, Odell Volunteer Fire & Rescue, Licorporated held a public hearing at <br />Pursant to p <br />7:OOpm on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at their fire station located at 9051 Davidson Highway in Concord, <br />North Carolina. <br />Udell VFD Rept'esentatives: Lontue Seaford, Patrick Lawrence, Bob Sgivadecker, Dan Bro«n1, Chad <br />Wilburn, Andy Vi~liitley, Barry Cable, Robbin Meyers, and Phillip Burris. <br />Fire District Guests: Archie & Dot Faggart ~ 6419 Macedonia Church Road <br />Dave & Gwen Faggart ~ 6801 Macedonia Church Road <br />Mr. Lomlie Seaford called the hearing to order at 7:OSpm. <br />Tge follo~vn~g is a list of persons wllo spoke at tge hearing and a suiimlary of their comllients: <br />Lomlie Seaford introduced the Odell representatives. He then discussed the work done regarding the <br />new station; site selection, design considerations, and fielding. <br />Dan Brown showed and discussed the plans far the new station. <br />Gwen Faggart's mails concern was coverage of their ponies. Phillip Burris explained that they were In <br />the Odell fire district. In the case of struchne fires, at least two departments are called out, that would <br />Ue Odell and Kannapolis. As the Kannapolis station is so close to them, they would most }ikely arrive <br />fast. Their EMT coverage would come from EMS 9 which is stationed at the ne~v Kannapolis station, <br />~Vltll Support from Odell and Kalulapo}is fire. She also had questions about the fiindillg. It was <br />explained that we are still working on acquiring goverlunent grants, if available. Our present plan is to <br />go with a goverlmiental financial loan from BB&T whicp is currently offered at 4.89% interest on a 1 S <br />year note and 5.09% on a 20 }rear note. It vas pouited out that vehicles required for the new station <br />had already be purchased. Her final question was about filll time staff at the station. It was explained <br />that we pave 2 part tune firemen on duty during daylight pours; one fiuided by a cotnlty grant and the <br />other paid from department fiords. At this tune, eve do not pave plans for adding additional persotuiel <br />for the second station. <br />There being no further persons wishing to speak, Mr. Seaford called an end to the gearing at 7:30p1n. <br />xxxxaaxxaxYxxx.~.~tixx~xxxxxxxxxxx~:xxYxxxxsx~xxxxxxx~x <br />,ell Volunteer Fire & Rescue, Incorporated ~ Publ}c Hearing Apri128, 2009 Page 1 of 2 <br />Od Attachment number 1 <br />F-2 ' <br />