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in~~radom <br />AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES <br />This Agreement for Services ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Intrado Inc. ("Intrado") and Cabarrus County Sheriffs Office <br />("Customer"), as of 2009, or if no such date is indicated, then as of the latest date signed below ("Effective Date"). This <br />Agreement consists of these terms and conditions and any order, statement of work, exhibit, or similar document made under this <br />Agreement (each, an "Attachment") describing the products or services Intrado agrees to provide to Customer ("Services"). Intrado and <br />Customer are referred to herein as "Parties' or "Party". The term "Affiliate" has the meaning in Rule 405 of the Securities Act of 1933. <br />1 TERM. This Agreement will continue from the Effective Date <br />until the expiration or termination of the latest-ending Attachment. <br />2 PAYMENT. <br />2.1 Customer will pay the fees described in Attachments. Except <br />as specified in an Attachment, recurring fees will be billed monthly, <br />and non-recurring fees will be billed within thirty (30) days of the <br />Attachment effective date or (if applicable) completion of the <br />delivery or milestone to which the non-recurring fees relate. Subject <br />to Section 2.5 below, all invoices will be due and payable within <br />thirty (30) days of invoice date. Any services requested by <br />Customer and performed by Intrado before execution of an <br />Attachment or outside the scope of the Attachment may be billed at <br />Intrado's then-current hourly rate. <br />2.2 Customer will bear all applicable taxes, duties, and other <br />government charges relating to the Services (including applicable <br />interest and penalties), except taxes based on Intrado's income. <br />Any claim of tax exemption must be supported by appropriate <br />documentation. <br />2.3 Unless otherwise provided in an Attachment, within thirty <br />(30) days after any early termination of an Attachment (except due <br />to Intrado's default), Customer will pay for Services received as of <br />the date of termination plus twelve (12%) per year. The Parties <br />agree that Intrado has made pricing concessions based on such <br />minimum fees and that any shortfall payment due under this <br />paragraph is a fair approximation of Intrado's damages, not a <br />penalty. These fees are in addition to any nonrecurring fees due <br />under the terms of the Attachment. <br />2.4 If Customer fails to pay any invoice when due (other than as <br />provided in Section 2.5), interest will accrue as of the date of <br />delinquency at the lower of two percent (2%) per month or the <br />highest rate permitted by applicable law. Upon each such <br />delinquency, Intrado may provide one or more Default Notice(s) to <br />Customer (see Section 7 below). If the delinquency is not cured <br />within ten (10) days after delivery of the Default Notice, Intrado <br />may, by so indicating in the Default Notice (a) suspend Services <br />and charge a reconnection fee or deposit on any recommencement; <br />and/or (b) amend the prices for the remaining term of the applicable <br />Attachment. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies <br />available to Intrado, and apply notwithstanding anything to the <br />contrary in this Agreement or the Attachment(s). Customer will be <br />responsible for all reasonable costs of collection (including attorney <br />fees). <br />2.5 If Customer disputes an invoice in good faith, Customer may <br />withhold only the disputed amount, not to exceed one month's <br />recurring fees for the applicable Service. To object to any invoice, <br />Customer must (a) notify Intrado within thirty (30) days of any such <br />invoice, specifying the nature of the dispute; and (b) pay any <br />undisputed amounts as provided herein. Both Parties will in good <br />faith investigate. and attempt to promptly resolve any disputed <br />invoices. <br />4 LIMITED WARRANTY. <br />4.1 Intrado warrants that Services will be provided in a <br />workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards and by <br />individuals with suitable skills and abilities. Except as provided in an <br />Attachment, Services will be deemed accepted when performed. <br />Intrado does not warrant products, equipment, hardware, or <br />software not manufactured by Intrado, but will on request, assign to <br />Customer any applicable third party warranties to the extent <br />permitted by such third party. <br />4.2 EXCEPT AS STATED IN SECTION 4.1, INTRADO MAKES <br />NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY <br />IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR <br />A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. INTRADO <br />EXPRESSLY DENIES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY <br />ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR CONDITION OF DATA OR THAT <br />THE SERVICES OR RELATED SYSTEMS WILL OPERATE <br />UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. <br />4.3 Customer will provide information reasonably required or <br />requested by Intrado to perform the Services, including as <br />applicable: cell site specifications; Customer or third party <br />databases; network architectures and diagrams; forecasts; current <br />process performance statistics; interfaces and access to Customer <br />or third party software, hardware, or systems; routing and network <br />addresses and configurations; and key contacts for problem <br />escalation (collectively "Customer Materials"). Customer warrants <br />that (a) Customer is solely responsible for the content and rights to <br />use the Customer Materials; (b) the Customer Materials will be <br />accurate; and (c) Intrado's use of the Customer Materials will not <br />violate the rights of any third party. <br />LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. <br />5.1 EXCEPT FOR THE PARTIES' INDEMNIFICATION AND <br />PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS AND CLAIMS RELATING TO <br />VIOLATIONS OF SECTION 6 OR 8, NEITHER PARTY WILL BE <br />LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, <br />SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL <br />DAMAGES OR LOSS OF GOODWILL, DATA OR PROFITS, OR <br />COST OF COVER. THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF INTRADO FOR <br />ANY REASON WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID TO <br />INTRADO BY CUSTOMER FOR THE APPLICABLE SERVICES IN <br />THE SIX MONTHS PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE CLAIM. <br />5.2 THE FOREGOING LIMITS ON LIABILITY WILL. APPLY <br />WHETHER THE APPLICABLE CLAIM ARISES OUT OF BREACH <br />OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT <br />(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY, <br />AND EVEN IF THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT SUCH <br />DAMAGES ARE POSSIBLE OR FORESEEABLE. <br />5.3 NO CAUSE OR ACTION WHICH ACCRUED MORE THAN <br />TWO (2) YEARS PRIOR TO THE FILING OF A SUIT MAY BE <br />ASSERTED BY EITHER PARTY. <br />INDEMNIFICATION. <br />2.6 <br />6.1 By Intrado. Intrado agrees to indemnify and hold harmless <br />3 CONFIDENTIALITY. Except to the extent disclosures are Customer from and against any and all third-party claims, actions, <br />required under applicable federal, state or local freedom of suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, <br />information laws or regulations ("Public Request"), the terms of including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses (collectively, <br />Exhibit A (Confidentiality Terms) will apply to this Agreement. Upon "Claims") for physical injury or death or damage to real property to <br />any Public Request, Customer may disclose the applicable the extent caused by Intrado's negligence or willful misconduct. <br />Confidential Information, but only to the extent required by <br />applicable law or regulation, and Customer will give sufficient notice 6.2 By Customer. Customer will indemnify, defend and hold <br />to Intrado to allow Intrado an opportunity to object or limit the scope Intrado, its Affiliates and their officers, directors, employees and <br />of disclosure.] agents harmless from any and all third-party Claims arising out of or <br />resulting from (a) the Customer Materials or a breach of <br />Section 4.3; (b) a claim relating to any product or service offered by <br />Customer or any of its customers, except to the extent such claim is <br />6/24/09 Page 1 Page 178 of 315 ~ <br />F-9 <br />