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Use of Qie correct mix designs will be veriiled in the field, The tests will be performed <br />by an ACI certified engineering technician and will be in accordance with applicable <br />ASTM methods. <br />• L.abaratorv Testing -Concrete: Concrete cylinders fabricated during placement wpl <br />be tested for compressive sirengih in our Laboratory. One specimen from each set of <br />concrete cylinders will be tested at 7 days following placement and two will be tested <br />at 2t3 days. One speclman from each set will be held in reserve in fife event that the <br />concrete strength is below the specified requirements. for the placement of time- <br />critical concrete elements of the structure, an additional concrete specimen may be <br />fabricated For a compressive strength test prier to the 7-day ~ast- <br />Laboratorv Tasting -Grout: Grout specimens will be fabricated during structural <br />CMU wall construction. The samples will be tested for compressive strength in our <br />laboratory. One speclman from each set of specimens wilt be tested at 7 days <br />following placement and flue will be tested at 28 days. One specimen fram each set <br />will be held in reserve in the event that the grout strength is below the specified <br />requirements. <br />• Structural Concrete Reinforcement: The reinforcing steel in the foundations, elevated <br />decks, and slabs-on-grade will he observed to confirm proper size, location, spacing, <br />fastening, and cover. Anchor bolts and bearing plates will be observed to confirm <br />proper installation. <br />Field Observations of tructural Maso r : During structural masonry wall <br />construction, we wi11 periodically observe the placement of the reinforcing steel within <br />the iiollo~v CMU units and ensure that the space to be grouted is clean. We will <br />continuously field test the grout fill to be placed. The samples will be tested for <br />compressive strength in our laboratory. <br />• Structural Steel Inspection: CESi protect engineers will perrorm periodic Inspections <br />of shop and field welded connections as well as bearing artd slip•critical bolted <br />connec#ions as specified in the protect documents. Bolted connections will be tested <br />for proper torque if required. in addition, high strength bolts, nuts, and washers will be <br />inspected For material verification. <br />• Re ortin -Dally hand-written reports will be provided dally. Formal reporting of <br />evaluations and test results will be provided in typed form. Any det(clencies in the <br />observedllested quality of the materials or work that are not Corrected will be <br />communicated to the appropriate protect personnel via telephone or facsimile. <br />If there are any services that you wish to add to or delete front this list, please let us <br />know. All field and laboratory tests will be completed in accordance with applicable ASTM, <br />ACI, AWS, and RISC procedures. <br />RESPONSIBILITIES <br />Our presence at the job site and our performance of qualify assurance testing must not be <br />construed as relieving the contractor fram Isis responsfbifity to comply tivith the plans and <br />specifications, Quality assurance testing is conducted on a representative sample of the <br />construction materials and work performed. Our services are not in any way related to job- <br />site safety. Otrr representatives do not have the authority to supervise the work nor to direct <br />contractor personnel. In performing our services, our engineering representatives will use a <br />standard of care consistent with reasonable and prudent construction materials testing gild <br />special inspection practices in the Cabarrus County area, and wilt make a conscientious <br />effort to cheek that the contractor compiles with the contract documents. We request that <br />scheduling of our services be provided at least 24 hours prior to our being on site. <br />Purr ElemeNary Expansion - pinal CAtiT Construction Aletorlals Taslhg and Special tnspeCtions .lung 17~. 2002 <br />CF.S! Propose[ No. 09.OG•24 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 256 of 315 <br />G-2 <br />