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employee a written statement set~+ttg-€et~ltstating the specific acts or omissions that are the reasons for the <br />suspension and the employee's appeal rights; one copy shall be given to the employee, and one copy shall be <br />placed in the employee's personnel file. <br />Stich a suspension by the department head may occur immediately and without notice in order to avoid undue <br />disruption of work, to protect the safety of persons or property, or for other serious reasons. When a department <br />head suspends an employee, ltethey shall tell the employee to leave County property at once and remain away <br />for the specified time. The department head shall notify the Eet+ttty-A4~t~etHuman Resources Director <br />inunediately. Additional disciplinary action(-s_} may be taken in such cases if deemed appropriate. <br />Section 4. Non-Bdiscinlinarv Susnension for Iuvesti~atory Ptu•noscs <br />Investigatory suspension may be used to provide time to investigate, establish facts and reach a decision <br />concerning a regular employee's status in those cases where it is determined the employee should not continue <br />to work pending a decision. Investigatory suspension may be appropriately used to provide time to schedule and <br />hold apre-discipline conference. Also, management may elect to use an investigatory suspension in order to <br />avoid undue disruption of work or to protect the safety of persons or property. An employee suspended for non- <br />disciplinary or investigatory reasons shall be notified in writing of the reasons for the suspension and the appeal <br />rights available to the employee; one copy shall be given to the employee, and one copy shall be placed in the <br />employee's personnel file. <br />An investigatory suspension usually should not exceed €erty-€ive-(~}45 calendar days. However, c-n-~etteya <br />department head may, s•~ ~'~° °, ° ~F ~~°at their discretion, extend the period of investigatory suspension <br />without pay beyond the'~••~-• j°••° ~^ ~` CIS day limit. The employee uurst be informed in writing of the <br />extension, the length of the extension and the specific reasons for the extension. A copy of the above <br />communication shall be sent to the C-euttty-A9nnftgerHuman Resotu•ces Director. If no action has been taken by <br />management by the end of f~etty-€ive-(~}~IS calendar days, and no extension has been made, one of the <br />following nnrst occur: reinstatement of the employee with full back pay and benefits, or appropriate disciplinary <br />action based on the results of the investigation and apre-discipline conference. Investigatory suspension of an <br />employee shall not be used for the purpose of delaying an administrative decision on an employee's work status <br />pending the resolution of a civil or criminal court matter involving the employee. <br />An investigatory suspension will be without uay (unless reinstated at the end of the investigation), but the <br />employee c-a+t-may use accumulated compensatory time and/or vacation leave to receive compensation during <br />this period. <br />Section 5. Pre-discipline Conference <br />(a) Before a regular employee may be subjected to any disciplinary action (official reprimand, disciplinary <br />suspension without pay, reassignment, demotion or dismissal), other than as noted in (b) below i+t-Seet~ien~ <br />stts}terts+ett-f~r~-eat cute-c#+srt+{~t~ien-ef <br />wetf~;-t~re _. ______._ .=.._~tt~-the following shall occur: <br />el . The supervisor recommending disciplinary action should discuss the recommeudatiart with and <br />receive the approval of the fldepartment {-4head, with notice to t(te Hwuan Resources Director, to schedule a <br />conference. <br />fit. Apre-discipline conference shall be held between management representatives and the employee. <br />No attorneys or outer such representatives for either party need be present at this conference; a <br />witness or security personnel may be present if ntanageutent deems necessary. The Human Resources Director <br />shall-he-ptesettt attend to monitor the pre-discipline conference process. +he-A management <br />representative (usually the employee's supervisor) shall present the employee and the pre-disciplinary <br />conference decision maker (usually the department head) with written and specific reasons for the proposed <br />d4 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F-5 Page 172 of 362 <br />