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Page 5 of 13 <br />Services. Said Grant Agreement is on file in the office of the Council, and is hereby made a <br />pant of this agreement as fully as if the same were attached hereto. <br />16. Data to be Furnished to the Agency. All information that is existing, readily available to the <br />Council without cost and reasonably necessary, as determined by the Council's staff, for the <br />peroormance of this contract by fhe Agency shall be furnished #o the Agency without charge by <br />fhe Council. The Council, its agents and employees, shall fully cooperate with the Agency in <br />the performance of the Agency's obligations under this contract. <br />17. Rights in Documents, Materials and Data Produced. The Agency agrees that all reports and <br />other data prepared by or for The Agency under this contract shall become and remain, the <br />property of the Council upon termination or completion of the work. Both the Council and the <br />Agency shall have the righ# to use same withou# restriction or limitation and without <br />compensation to the other. For the purposes of this contract, "data" includes writings, sound <br />recordings, or other graphic representations, and works of similar nature. No reports or other <br />documents produced in whole or in part under this contract shall be the subject of an <br />applica#ion for copyright by or on behalf of the Agency. <br />18. interest of Agency. The Agency covenants that neither the Agency nor its agents or employees <br />presently has an interest, nor shall acquire an interest, direct or indirect, which conflicts in any. <br />manner or degree with the peroormance of its service hereunder, or which would prevent, or <br />tend to prevent, the satisfactory peroormance of the Agency's service hereunder in an impartial <br />and unbiased manner. The Agency further covenants that In the peroormance of this contract <br />no person having any such interest shall be employed by the Agency as an agent, <br />subcontractor or otherwise. <br />19. Interest of Members of the Council and Others. No officer, member or employee of the Council, <br />and no public official of any focal government which is affec#ed in any way by the Project, who <br />exercises any function or responsibilities In the review or approval of the Project or any <br />component part thereof, shall participate in any dec[sions relating to #his contract which may <br />affect his personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in <br />which he is, directly or lndirec#iy, Interested; nor shall any such person have any interest, direct <br />or indirect, in #his contract or fhe proceeds arising there from. <br />20. Officials Not to Benefit. No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States of <br />America, resident Commissioner or employee of the North Carolina State Government, shall be <br />en#itled to any share or part of this contract or any benefits fo arise here from. <br />21. Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance. The county <br />shall comply with all federal and state laws relative to equal employment opporfunitles. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F-1 Page 76 of 362 <br />