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!I •~ <br />OiviBLE <br />• ~ r1RLYLE <br />i <br />• DRIDGE <br />& RtcE <br />\ PROFESSIONdL LUfI'fEU <br />u.~uurn~ cuvr.;~ti <br />One \\'achovia Center <br />301 South College $trert <br />Suite 3100 <br />Ch~tlottr, NC 23_'0?-fi03i <br />'T'elephone: IiOa) 3il•~900 <br />Fat: ti0-I) 331.39i> <br />R'tPn'.tt'CSLCOIit <br />Philip S. Rurilcel <br />Direct Dial: (704) 331-4909 <br />Direct Fax: (704) 343-1866 <br />E-mail: prunkeh\\ <br />May l3, 2009 <br />IV1r. and ivlrs. William Beaver <br />PO Box 981 <br />Concord, North Carolina 28026 <br />Re: Request for Utility Easement Agreerrrent a~z~! Riglit of Wray Ease~iiie~rt <br />Agreement <br />Dear ivlr. and Mrs. Beaver: <br />At the requesE of the Cabarrus County Board of Education (the "Board"), 1 am sending <br />yo>.t the enclosed Utility Easement Agreement whereby you would grant a permanent easement <br />for underground utilities to enable the Cabarrus County Board of Education to extetld utilities <br />across certain property you own in Cabarrus County for the beneftt of a new elementary school <br />being constructed off of Nliami Church Road. I am also enclosing the Right of Way Easement <br />Agreement whereby you would grant a right of way easement, temporary construction easctnent <br />and drainage easement across a portion of the property that you own for the benefit of the new <br />elementary school. <br />[n exchange for you providing the requested easements, the Board would pay you a one <br />time easement fee of $2,500.00 for the permanent easement, a one time fee of $36.80 for the <br />temporary construction easement, a one time fee of $264.00 for a drainage easement and <br />$4,510.00 for the right of way easement. The foregoing fees are calculated on a per ownership <br />tract. <br />Please contact me should you have any questions regarding the Board's proposal or the <br />attached Agreement. If none, please sign the enclosed Agreement and have it notarized and <br />return to me by no later than May 22, 2009. Upon receipt of the signed Agreement and signature <br />by the Board, we will forward to you a check from the Board for the easement and right of way <br />fees. <br />Very truly yours, <br />WOMB E CARC.YLE SANDRIDGE & RICE <br />:1 rofet io ~ Limited Liability Cornpany <br />till <br />Pli`'~S: Runk <br />Enclosure <br />wCSR ~t12-1599v1 <br />Gf:ORGI:\,' SOCTrI CAROI_IV.\ ,' ~'ORTFI C.\ROI_IV.\ ! VIRGINI:\ ~VASHI\CTON. D,C ! \1.1RYL.\VD : DEL.1W.~aCf1t71@ntnuntb2r2 <br />F-10 Page 136 <br />