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~' COMPANY BACKGROUND FORM 3.1 <br />Page 2 <br />lnlormation is confidential <br />C <br />G <br />10.29.09 <br />® Advanced Manufacturin ^ Consumer Goods Producer ^Ener &Ener ~ Utilities <br />^ Industrial Goods <br />^ Aeronautics and Defense ^ Consumer Services ^ Finance, Insurance, Real Estate ^ Retail Related Operations <br />^ Agriculture, Forestry, Minerals ^ Convention/tourism ^ Govermnent <br />^ Technology/Information <br />^ Building & Construction ^ Diversified ^ Health care & Pharmaceuticals <br />^ Telecotrununications <br />^ Couununicaflons ^ Durable goods producer ^ High-end Bush~ess Services ^ Transportation <br /> <br />CURRENT Number ~ PROJECTED Number CURRENT Number PROTECTED <br />Full-Hme 9 Full-time 22 Management 1 Management 3 <br />Part-time 0 Part-time 0 Tecluucal 0 Tecluucal 2 <br />Leased 0 Leased 0 Sales/Marketing 1 Sales/Marketing 2 <br /> Clerical 1 Clerical 1 <br />CURRENT PROJECTED Production 1 Production 14 <br />Total Employees 4 22 Total Employees ~ <br />Acreage 7 acres Building Size (square feet) 57r000 Number of Buildings 1 <br />Average Age of Existing Building <br />^ Under 10 years ^ 11-25 years ®Over 25 years <br />Space added or deleted (-) in last 5 years (square feet) <br />1300 <br />Past expansion date (nvn/yyj Size and purpose of expansion <br /> Increase production capacity <br />Is there room for additional expansion at this location: ®Yes ^ No <br />Is the facili owned or leased? <br />ty ^ Owned® Plan to Lease If leased, lease expiration date <br /> Plan to purchase the building after one ear lease <br />Name, location, phone number of property oHmer if leased: <br />Bo DICKENS, DICKENS INDUSTRIAL, LLC, a Nortlt Cat•olina Limited Liability Company, 704-309-5582 <br />Cabarrus Economic Development Attachment number 1 <br />G-1 Page 225 ~ 1 <br />¢r <br />^ Public ^ Employee-owned ®Private ^ Family <br />^ Not-for-Profit ^ Provincial govermnent ^ Federal Qovenunent <br />