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Capital Imarovement Plan <br />Department: cabarrus County Schools REVISED <br />JAN 2008 <br />Project Title: school construction <br />Project Description: <br />To meet school enrollment needs, the County must continue to buy property and construct additional schools. <br />General Obligation (GO) bonds were issued in FY 2006 for $34.4 million; and an additional $48 million issued <br />in FY 2007 to support school construction. <br />In FY 2008, the County will fund construction of Cox Mill area high school (1500 seats - 2010 occupation); <br />architectural and engineering phases of AT Allen Elementary replacement (506 seat addition 2009 occupation); <br />architectural and engineering phases for two elementary schools (700 seats each) (lower Rocky River area - <br />2009 occupation and Northwest area- 2010 occupation); and architectural and engineering phases for a middle <br />school (1200 seats) (Southwest area - 2010 occupation). <br />In FY 2009, the County plans to fund the following projects: <br />AT AIIen Elementary replacement (East of Rt 601) land and construction phases (506 seat addition - 2009 <br />occupation) <br />Lower Rocky River Elementary construction of (700 seats - 2009 occupation) <br />Southwest area middle school (1200 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Northwest (Odell area) elementary land and construction (700 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Northwest area middle school (1200 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Mt. Pleasant Middle addition/renovation (250 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Furr Elementary addition (200 seats - 2010 completion) <br />South Harrisburg elementary school (700 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />JN Fries addition and cafeteria renovations (200 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Mt. Pleasant/Irvin/Royal Oaks area elementary (700 seats - 2010 occupation) <br />Central Cabarrus High School addition/cafeteria replacement (175 seats - 2011 occupation) <br />West/Central area high school (1500 seats - 2011 occupation) <br />In FY 2010, the County will fund construction of a Mount Pleast High School addition (250 seats - 2010 <br />completion) and Boger Elementary addition (200 seats - 2010 completion). <br />In 2011, the County will fund construction of the Beverly Hills Elementary addition (150 seats - 2011 <br />occupation) and the Northwest Middle School addition and cafeteria renovation (175 seats - 2012 occupation). <br />Type: [ x ] New [ ]Expansion [ ]Replacement <br />Status: [X] In Progress <br />~~ <br />