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Capital Improvement Plan <br />Department: Kannapolis City Schools REVISED AS MARKED <br />JAN 2008 <br />Project Title: School Construction <br />Project Description: <br />To meet school enrollment needs, the County must buy property and construct additional schools. <br />In FY 2006, $12.5 million in General Obligations bonds were issued. <br />In FY 2008, the County plans to fund the purchase price for land and the cost for A. L. Brown High <br />School wing addition which will add 500 seats to the school and vocational building renovation. <br />In FY 2010, the County will fund three projects: Kannapolis Middle School wing addition (160 <br />seats); new school (undetermined type) (500 seats); and a new wing at Shady Brook Elementary <br />(160 seats). <br />Type: [ ]New [ ]Expansion [ ]Replacement Status: [X ] In Progress <br /> FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Future <br />Pro'ect Costs Actual Pro osed Plannin Plannin Plannin Plannin Years <br />Planning/Design <br />Land/Acquisition <br />Construction 15,145,519 21,457,581 <br />Equipment ,2862-009 2a-arn~og_ <br />Other <br />Total 16,145,519 21,457,681 X504;098 <br />Fundin Sources <br />General Fund <br />Debt 16,145,519 21,457,681 2490;999 <br />Grants <br />Permits/Fees <br />Other <br />Total 16,145,519 2~bB9;099 <br />O eratin Im act <br />Total 1,000,000 X999;999 <br />Operating Budget Impact: Except for classroom additions, most of the improvements will not require <br />increases to the operational budget. Increases such as utilities for classroom additions will be handled through <br />annual increases in current expense from the County. <br />General Obligation Bond (GO) Funding for construction and Lottery Proceeds for Land/Acquisition. <br />I~ <br />