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THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />January 10, 2008 <br />and <br />THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER <br />(Cabarrus Neighbors) <br />January 10, 2008 <br />CIIBARRUSCWNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMlSS10NEM <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HFAMNO - <br />lenllarY33,~•8:38Par• <br />IMUatrW.Devebpnerlt IgaeaNvf ttreat <br />Notice Is hereby plvenihaf the Cabnrrue Coup- <br />ty Bonrtl of Commlasloners will hold a ublk <br />hearing a[ 6:30 p.m. (or es soon thereafter Y <br />parsons maY be heartl)on TuestlaY, Jana <br />22, 2008, In the Bhartl of Commissb fa' Maserty <br />In9 Raomlocatetl on thesecpnd~wY Of the <br />Cabarrus COUI~,tyy Govemmemal Cemer, -85' <br />Church Street SE. Conwrtl,taeogsltler an In• <br />centlve Arent. for FIY RI hF Iqe, pureueM td <br />N.C. Oanerai Statute 158.7.3. i9te oompenY. <br />propOSe6 to relOCate Ito r9 rate heatlquer• <br />tars to Caharru6 000Il,,tny wl a pro eofetl In• <br />vestment of appproximately mlll~on: A 7•' <br />vnloremtnzes on the invertment9lsr q to <br />The proCCOSed drnftagreelaent 7s avd able for <br />Inapeetion in the Office of the.Cle~ to tlw <br />Board et tfia Ooverntgental CelNer. <br />If reasonable eccommodatlons are ne[tletl <br />Pant /B lwio nprior to fibs public h~eari2n0~.3~ ~- <br />Key NOlreycuN. Clerk to the OoeNl <br />PubRsip Atnuery Le, teas <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br />BOAgO OF COMMISSIONERS <br />-NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING <br />- Jeuuary 2R, PeeB-8:70 p.m. <br />- IMUShNI DevNppmem IattmHe Grant <br />Notlce 9 ~hereay 9rven Ihe, Me CeWttw County Boertl of <br />CommNSiwNra will ndtl a puGic neanrq et B 9D pp~~m..(a m soon <br />mermeer ae Parsons meY M hemt( on- ues~ay. January 32.~W6. <br />In Hie Eoertl of Cwmnieaiorwn Meedp Room btatet on the aemM <br />floor of tae Ca[umue County Govammenml Center, 85 Ohumh Sheet <br />SE, Contort, ro o„uiaer en incentive giarH fa fTy Right Inc., pur- <br />auem to N:C. Gerwel StamN 156].1. The compeM~W~ % <br />6locete Lis corporate heetlguerten N Cebnros Coo <br />lecletl InveaMenl d approumaNry EO million. A 3Year pnnl eeuiv- <br />ffierN ro85%. of Hn atl wilnem mass On aenew net ,nveeenerH N <br />'requeffiet: <br />Tn -tlreaapreemxAis avawaiefor hiapetllon lri the OMm <br />of Ure (Aetlc to dw eoartl et Ilre Governineribl Cen[ec <br />H reaeonabla acctmmodatlona ere MBtetl, please Conlam th CNt< <br />ffi JOb926210Bffi Neat Le boon prbrto are PaMN heenlN <br />.. xey MoneyaAt, Clark W YN Boert <br />1PB110300. <br />G-~ <br />