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CERTIFICATIONS: AUTFIORIZING OFFICIAL <br />Pre Appliwaon Number 1414 <br />AethoaZlnp Olflckl' <br />I ceddy that I agree ro wmpty with the generel antl fiscal terms and wrM2ons of misapplication <br />inclutlilg special wnditions; to comply vrith tha pro+isions of the AG gweming mesa mntls antl all <br />othm federal laws; that aM informatlon presentetl is cprrectl mmmere has been appropdate <br />coordination with arfected agencies; mat I em tluty authaazed by ma Appliwn[to partorm the tasks <br />of Autlwnzing ORldaras may rehk ro tha tanw and cmmieons of mie pram apptlwtion; mat wsk <br />incurred pdor m greM approval may rerun in me expenses beirg absorbed by me implementing <br />apenq; mat me rewipt M grantormntls mrough me Gwarnors Come ComMSSbn will not supplant <br />pate ar bcal funds; and, that I undersmnd mat fetlerel funds are limdetl ro a maxgnum of Iwenty- <br />four monms. <br />The Ant40rug Abuse ApaF [gag requires the subgranfees provide assurance mat subgrentmnds <br />will not be used m suDWaM or replace bwl or sbte mods ar other resources mat would olhenvke <br />have been wadable for lewmbrcercem anNOr cdminal justice acnvieas. In camptlarlcevrilh mat <br />mantlete, I ceady mat the rerRip[ ptatlerel mode mrough me Crlme Commission shall in no w4y <br />wpplem w repkw pate or bcal mods or omer resources mat would have been made waigbb for <br />bwenforwmen[ and/or cnmineljusbce actNaies. <br />Name: J n Da <br />Agency: County of Cabarrus <br />Phone: {7pq) 7gB-8100 <br />SlpnBmre: <br />role: County Manager <br />naaresa: p.0. Box 707 <br />Concord. NC28026- <br />Bonaed: ~ Yes r No <br />'NOTE: The ProJM alrector, Flnanckl ONicer, arnl AUthoazing ONkkt CAN NOT ba the same parson. <br />Staatanaed arrderthk grant may notlb any ofthe arahoazlnp pRbials without direct Came <br />Cpmmieslon approsel, <br />THIS APPLICATION 1.4 NOT COMPLETE WRHOUT THE ABOVE SIGNATURE. <br />REQUEST FOR MATGH WAWER <br />(Refer to rim@ations noted on budget summary page) <br />A9 the Authorizing CNNcial for this greM pre-application, l am requestiftq that the <br />Goverrars Crime Commission greM this implemerdirg agency a waiver of its match <br />requiremaM. <br />Spnamre: <br />Authoriatnp OMei01 <br />Page 14 <br />http:!lwta+w.ncgccd. org/applications/gangs/Printl~iTMI.PreApp.cfm <br />12!29/2007 <br /> <br />