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T <br />'~ =-AlA Document A101TM -1997 <br />5t~ndard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor <br />"whe-'e the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM <br />-!AOAEEMENT made as of the First day of February in the year of two Thousand Eight <br />;(/n words, indicate day,.month and year) <br />Inc. <br />as follows. <br /> <br />Init. AIA DOCWltent A101'r' -1087. Copyright ®1915,1910, 1925, 1837, 1951, 1958, 1801,1963, 1967,1874, 1877, 1807, 1891 and 1987 by" <br />Inafllule of Archltega. All ngMa reaNVed. WAIININO: Thla AIA° nocunent Ie protected by U.S Copydght Law and Imernatlorral Tree <br />reproductlon w dletrl Wtlon of thla Abl° Document, or any portlon of it, may result In Bavere elvll and arIm111E1 penaltles, and will ba <br />l maximumextent ppsalbla underthe law. This tloaxnent WaB produced by AUl BOtlware 8[08:04:54 on 17/91/2007 under Order NO.f0009~ <br />expkes on 12H2/2008, arld la rwt for raaale. <br />Uwr Notes: <br />ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS: <br />The author of This documem has <br />added information needed for Ile <br />completbn. The author may 8180 <br />have revised the text Of the odginal <br />AIA atendard form. An Addfflons and <br />Deletions Report that notes added <br />Information as well as revisions to <br />the Standard form text is available <br />from the author and should tie <br />reviewed, A vediral Iine in the lek <br />margin of this document indkates <br />where the author has added <br />necessary informaton and where <br />the author has added to or deleted <br />from the ONginal AIA text. <br />This document has impodam legal <br />consequences. Consuttatlon with an <br />attorney is erxnureged with respect <br />to its completion or modifketbn. <br />AIA Document A201-1997, Generel <br />Conditiore of the Contract for <br />ConsWCtion, la adopted in this <br />document try reference. Do not use <br />with ether general conditions unless <br />this document is modified. <br />TNS document has been approved <br />and endorsed by The Associated <br />General Contractors of Amedce. <br />BO_1 which <br />(115028785) <br />F-~ <br />