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EXHIBIT B <br />National Assocletlon of Counties <br />Effective the later of Mey 15, 2008 or within 30 days of Caremark's receipt of this executed Agreement. <br />Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Program Participants utilizing the Program shell receive from the <br />Participating Pharmacies the discounts set forth below. Customer Specific Programming or additional services not <br />identified heroin will be quoted upon Customer request. <br />Program Participants will receive an average 22% discount on their proscription dmg ttawectiow when <br />prescriptions aro purchased at a Participating retail pharmacy, a Caromark Mail or a Caromark SpecialtyRx pharmacy as <br />compered to the phartmcy'i aggregate wwl and customary price (the cash paying cwtotner price). Program <br />Participants will not pay more for a prescription drug transaction by wing the Program.l]tmro will be proscription drug <br />transactions under this program that will be priced at the pharmacy's weal and customary price when that price is equal <br />to or tnoro favorable to their contractwl discount rate with Caremark. <br />Prices may vary in certain arose for reaeow such as local legal roquiremente, geographic location, specialized <br />manufacturer processes, limited availability, extraordinary shipping requirements or other factors beyond Cuemark's <br />control, Participating Pharmacies shall coEect from the Program Participant all applicable taxes for coverod itoma, and <br />Cazemark is not liable for the payment of appBcsble taxes. Caremark does not guarantee Participant savings; the <br />estimate set forth above is based upon anticipated pharmacy network performance. All claims may be aggregated for <br />purposes of determining the-ectwl average discount rate. Actual discount rates may vary by drug, Participating <br />Pharmacy, Caremark Mail Pdermacy and Caremark SpecialtyRx Pharmacy. Certain retail, mail, and Specialty claims <br />may be excluded fiom these rates, including but not limited to Claims for select injectable drugs and select oral dmga <br />that are bio-technical in nature, compound drugs, and those roquiring spwial handling. <br />7TIa document conitina proprie4ry inPomulion of Cerertark, and may not be used for any putpoee <br />with Ceromuk, nor rtoy It be duplicated or ditcloaed to other for my purpom. <br />to evamate rntenng mto e <br />