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~ This.chsck!lst~fs provided to assure that tfie ElUIS Tooikit Grant Application is con~ieiie. Pisses <br />place a check beside the items which have been completed. When al! items have been checked <br />and subrrr~tted to ©EAAS, the application is complete. ~ - <br />~ An electronirslly (email}submitted EMS Toolkit Grant Appticafion <br />® An appropriately endorsed original signature page <br />A Letter of Support #rom the administrator of the EMS System's 911 Center if the eppNca9on is for <br />~ Emergency unealcal Dispatch implementation or enhancement (Pro~c~s 1 or 2) <br />g(A ~pY of al! of the existing EMS System Polides ac~ressed in the EMS Toolklt Grant Application <br />All iMormation fa'the EMS System in t~ OEMS Cradentlalin~ Information System (CIS) has been <br />® updated Tor all EMS Agenr.~s, Vehides, and Personnel <br />Signatures: <br />oNy-i ~~ sate: 9 i~ o---- _._ <br />•:jryr~tiia~t;: ..I;~. .fie.. F1:LlLl_ _~ii•F~~Y: ~: :'~ tiQ•+-.,'c::~~" Ca~:.~;~.~+i~i ~•.,r.t:.:.~y..-: <br />/ .' ~ <br />flBtE: ~ ~/ ~ ,y <br />You are strongly encouraged to contact tfie EMS Performance Improvement Center (EMSPICy at <br />(~8) 773-8477 be#ore tnal submission of your application. <br />When you are ready to submit your final application to GEMS, save it and attach it to an email message <br />to McKenzie Cook (McKenzie.Cook(~ncmail.netj. <br />Page i2 of t z <br />Item# 37 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 228 of 237 <br />