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Other Provisions <br />~ . Unless prohibited by law, the costs of audits made in accordance with the provisions of 9 <br />N.C.A.C. 3M.0205 are allowable charges to State and Federal awards. The charges may be <br />considered a direct cost or an aAocated indirect cost, as determined in accordance with cost <br />principles outlined in the Offce of Budget and Management (OMB} Circular A-87. The costs <br />of any audit not conducted in accordance with this Subchapter is unallowable and shall not <br />be charged to State or Federal grants. <br />2. The audit requirements of 9 N.C.A.C. Subchapter 3M do not replace a request for submission <br />of audit reports by grantor agencies in connection with requests far direct appropriation of <br />state aid by the General Assembly. <br />3. Naiwithstanding the provisions of 9 N.C.A.C. Subchapter 3M, a grantee may satisfy the <br />reporting requirements of Part (a)(3)(S) of this Rule by submitting a copy of the report <br />required under the federal law with respect to the same funds. <br />4. All grantees and ~subgrantees shall use the forms of the Office of State Budget and <br />Management and the Office of the State Auditor in making reports to the awarding agencies <br />and the Office of the State Auditor. <br />Equipment Purchased with Contract Funds: <br />Title to equipment costing in excess of $500.00 acquired by the Contractor with funds from this contract <br />shall vest in the Contractor, subject to the following conditions. <br />A. The Contractor shall use the equipment in the project or program for which it was acquired as <br />long as needed. When equipment is no longer needed for the original project or program or if <br />operations are discontinued, or at the termination of this contract the Contractor shall contact <br />the Divi~on for written instructions regarding disposition of equipment. <br />B. With the prior written approval of the Division, the Contractor may use the equipment to be <br />replaced as trade-in against replacement equipment or may sell said equipment and use the <br />proceeds to offset the costs of replacement equipment. <br />C. For equipment costing in excess of $500.00, equipment controls and procedures shall include <br />at a minimum the following: <br />1. Detailed equipment records shall be maintained which accurately include the: <br />a. Description and location of the equipment, serial number, acquisition <br />date/cost, useful life and depreciation rate; <br />b. Source/percentage of funding for purchase and restrictions as to use or <br />disposition; and <br />c. Disposition data, which includes date of disposal and safes price or method <br />used to determine fair market value. • <br />2. Equipment shall be assigned a control number in the accounting records and shall be <br />tagged individually with a permanent identification number. <br />3. Biennially, a physical inventory of equipment shall betaken and results compared to <br />accounting and fixed asset records. Any discrepancy shall immediately be brought to <br />the attention of management and the governing board. <br />DHHS (~ 1107} Iter~# 37 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 231 of 237 <br />