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(1) No encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements and other <br />developments shall be permitted unless: <br />(a) it is demonstrated that the proposed encroachment would not result in any increase in <br />the flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood, based on hydrologic and <br />hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice and <br />presented to the Floodplain Administrator prior to issuance of floodplain <br />development permit, or <br />(b) a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) has been approved by FEMA. A <br />Letter of Map Revision (LOMB) must also be obtained upon completion of the <br />proposed encroachment. <br />(c) In addition to the Article 5 Section F Subsection 1, I (a), 1(b), fill material graded <br />to drain, provided such is protected against erosion. Any fill material on which a <br />structure is to be located shall be extended at grade ten feet beyond the limits of <br />the structure foundation, and shall have a side slope no steeper than two feet <br />horizontal to one foot vertical. <br />All material used as fill within the floodway and non-encroachment area fringe <br />must be derived from adjacent floodway and non-encroachment area fringe and <br />the same deeded parcel as that area being filled. The net result of borrow and fill <br />within the floodway and non-encroachment area fringe area shall constitute no <br />net loss to the flood storage capacity of the floodway and non-encroachment area <br />fringe. A professional engineer must certify that no net loss of storage will occur <br />as a result of the fill activity. <br />(2) If Article 5, Section F(1) is satisfied, all development shall comply with all applicable flood <br />hazard reduction provisions of this ordinance. <br />(3) No manufactured homes shall be permitted, except replacement manufactured homes in an <br />existing manufactured home park or subdivision, provided the following provisions are <br />met: <br />(a) the anchoring and the elevation standards of Article S, Section B(3); and <br />(h) the no encroachment standard of Article S, Section F(1). <br />SECTION G Reserved <br />ARTICLE 6. LEGAL STATUS PROVISIONS. <br />SECTIONA. EFFECT ONRIGHTSAND LIABILITIES UNDER THE EXISTING FLOOD <br />DAMAGEPREVENTIONOBDINANCE. <br />This ordinance in part comes forwazd by re-enactment of some of the provisions of the flood damage <br />prevention ordinance enacted November 2, 1994 as amended, and it is not the intention to repeal but <br />rather to re-enact and continue to enforce without interruption of such existing provisions, so that all rights <br />and liabilities that have accrued thereunder are reserved and may be enforced. The enactment of this <br />ordinance shall not affect any action, suit or proceeding instituted or pending. All provisions of the flood <br />damage prevention ordinance of Cabarrus County enacted on November 2, 1994, as amended, <br />which aze not reenacted herein aze repealed. <br />36 <br />