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NAME OF BOARD x006 MEMBER 2008 WLSION 2008 ALTERNATE 2009 APPOINTMENTS 2009 TERMS <br />Animal Protection and Preservation Committee CamrM Juba Carruth Complae curtem term ending 6/30/09 & Reappoint <br />fora 2-year term ending 6/30/11 <br />Cabarrus County Bwrd of Eduatlon Mynatt Juba Mynatt/Wblte - <br />Cabarrus County Board of Education Mynatt Juba Ntymtt/INhite <br />CabarrusCOUnty Partnership for Children (Smart Start) Whke pfi,~ <br />Cabamu County Soclal5ervicrs Board Juba Whke 2-year term ending l2-15-10 <br />Cabarrus Planning and Zoning Commission Carrvtll CamRh/Mynatt <br />Cabarnu-Rowan Urban Area MPO Trans <br />portation Adv. Comm. <br />Cartuth <br />Mynatt Cartuth/Mvette <br />Centralina COG Board of Delegates Privette Whke Poole/Prlvette <br />CentraBna COG ExecutHe 8wrd Meetings NA <br />Centrallna Economic Development Commission PWnning Staff Planning Staff Planning Staff Planning Staff <br />Centralina Workforce Developmem Consortium Mynatt Mynatt <br />qty of Conwrd Carroth Whke <br />City of Kannapolis Juba Camrth <br />City of Locust Privette Privetta <br />Cooperative Extension Service Whi[e White <br />Councl of Planning-NC 73 Corridor Privette Mynatt PriveKe/Mynatt <br />Giminal Justice Partnership Program Advisory Board Privette Whke 2ryeartenn ending 43410 <br />Department of Aging Advisory Bwrd Mynatt Mynatt <br />Flre Departments & First Responder Advisorycommittee Camuth Mynatt Cartuth/Mynatt <br />Forester pr{,r~e p~~ <br />Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee Juba Pock <br />Juvenile Uime Prevention Council Whke Privette Complete unexpired term ending 630-09 b <br />subsequent term ending 12-15.10 <br />Kannapol'a Bwrd of Education Juba Mynatt Poole <br />Ubnry Board of Trustees Carnnh Mynatt <br />Loal Emergenq Planning Committee Camuth Mynatt Carruth/Mynatt <br />Parks Commission yyhJre yyhJpa <br />PiedmontArea Mental Heahtt Mental Carruth Camrth <br />4year term ending 32-15-]2 <br />Rowan-CaWrrus Community College Board of7rustees Camrth Carnrth <br />oil & Water Conservation Distrlc[ Mynatt .Mynatt <br />ourism Authority Juba ~~ Complete unexpired tam ending 6/30/09 & <br />wbsequem term ending 6/30/12 <br />own of Harrisburg White Poole <br />own of MlOland Privette prlvaKe <br />own of ML Pleasant Mywtt Mynatt <br />Wa[er and Sewer Authority Juba & Carruth Carruth/Poole Complete unexpired arms & wbsequesm 3-year <br />terms <br />Watershed Improvement Commission Mynatt -.. MyruK <br />H-7 <br />