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§ 4.2 The Contract Sum ix based upon the fallowing alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents <br />and arc hereby accepted by the Owner: - <br />(Srate Nle numbers or other identificrrdon of neeelxed nl7ernnres. !f decisions o» oilier a6enmte.c ore ro he nmd< hr the <br />Owner .tuba'equertt rothe execution of dti.r Ayreeurent, attach n schedu/e of such other nltenxue.e .rbowin,g the amount <br />for each null dre Ante when that mm~um eapiresl <br />Alternate No. 2- Furnish and install standing seam roof covering. <br />§ 4.3 Unit prices, if any..u'e as follows: <br />ARTICLE 5 PAYMENTS <br />§ 5.7 PROGRESS PAYMENTS <br />§ 5.1.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for <br />Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on accomu of the Contract Sum to the <br />Contractor as provided below and elsl:wbere in the Contract Documents. <br />§ 5.1.2 The period covered by each Applicatiodfor Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the <br />month, or as follows: <br />§ 5.1.3 Provided chat an Application for Paymem is rcccivetl by [he Architect not later than the last <br />dtgr of a month, the Owner shall make payment u? the Contrlctor not later than the 1 5th day of <br />the following month. tf an Application for Payment is received by the Architect titter Ihu application <br />date tixetl above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than fifteen ( 1 5 )bays after tha <br />Architect receives the Application tar Payment. <br />§ 5.1.4 Each Application Cot Payment shall be based on the most recem schedule of values submitted by the Coau;tcun' <br />in accordance will the Contract Documents. The schedule of values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among Urc <br />various portions of the Wurk. The schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such data w <br />substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require. "Phis schedule. unless objected to by the Architect shall bx: <br />used as a basis for reviea~ing the Conu:lctor's Applications for P:rynrent. <br />§ 5.1.5 Applications for Pacntem shall incGc;nc the pcrcrnut~e of eonq?letiun al carte portion of the. Work ns ul'thc coil <br />ol'the period alccrcd by the Applicaion for Paxnrent. <br />AIA Document A701ru- 1997. Copyright ~ 1915, 1918. 1925. 1937. 195(. 1956. 196 t. 1967, 1967. 197:1. 1977, 1980. 1987. 1991 and 199: 4y The <br />American IOSIiIUIe of ArchilCCls. All fights re5ervetl- 1^/AHNIi1:3. 'I his AIA Oucum::m if: prolectetl 9y 11.1;. Copyright i.;r:r anti :nlemalinnal lrea'.e::. 3 <br />UnaulhoriiCd re Prpd LClion ni diSUiUtllipn o' :his AIA Jn::lunenl, ur any uortinn J: il. nay rertll in srvere rivtl :m;l criminal p,in;dlics. :Inn c:~~l i>c <br />orm;C0u1Ctl lu Ihl: maximum ?sl^nl P035ih1e antler th ~ b•:,. nprcllaSprS art penndletl to reproduce ten i 101 cOpieS of Ibis dOpOmCnl when complelod To <br />IfpOfl Copyright Vip1a1i0n5 0l AIA DOn1raCl DP(,Umanl$. C~n10,1 PiR AmCriCanWlnSlilrnC 01 Archi1CC15 legal COpn5C1. Copyri(1h1~.liAOrfl. <br />~' 1 <br />