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PIEDMONT AREA MENTAL HEALTH, <br />DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS <br />JUNE 30, 2006 <br />Overview of the Financial Statements <br />As Management of Piedmont Area Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse <br />Authority (the "Authority"), we offer readers of the Authority's financial statements this narrative <br />overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Authority for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006. <br />We encourage readers to read the information presented here in conjunction with additional <br />information that we have furnished in the Authority's financial statements, which follow this narrative. <br />Required Financial Statements <br />The Authority's financial statements report information of the Authority using accounting methods <br />similar to those used by private-sector health care organizations. These statements offer short-term <br />and long-term financial information about its activities. <br />The Authority's basic financial statements consist of three components: 1) government-wide financial <br />statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the financial statements. The basic financial <br />statements present two different views of the Authority through the use of government-wide statements <br />and fund financial statements. In addition to the basic financial statements, this report contains other <br />supplemental information that will enhance the reader's understanding of the financial condition of the <br />Authority. <br />The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide the reader with a broad overview of <br />the Authority's finances similar in format to a financial statement of aprivate-sector business. The <br />government-wide statements provide short-term and long-term information about the Authority's <br />financial status as a whole. <br />The two government-wide statements report the Authority's net assets and how they have changed. <br />Net assets are the difference between the Authority's total assets and total liabilities. Measuring net <br />assets is one way to gauge the Authority's financial condition. <br />The fund financial statements provide a more detailed look at the Authority's most significant activities. <br />A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been <br />segregated for specific activities or objectives. Piedmont Area Mental Health, Developmental <br />Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority, like all other governmental entities in North Carolina, uses <br />fund accounting to ensure and reflect compliance (or non-compliance) with finance-related legal <br />requirements, such as the General Statutes or the Authority's budget ordinance. The Authority has one <br />governmental fund, the general fund. <br />The notes to the financial statements provide additional information that is essential to a full <br />understanding of the data provided in the government-wide and fund financial statements. <br />(4) <br />` "l <br />