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PIEDMONT AREA MENTAL HEALTH, <br />DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />BALANCE SHEET -GOVERNMENTAL FUND <br />ASSETS <br />JUNE 30, 2006 <br />Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 35,885,756 <br />Due from Other Governments. 84,226 <br />Accounts Receivable, Net of Allowance for <br />Uncollectible Accounts and Contractual Allowances 5,165,083 <br />Prepaid Expenses 537,941 <br />Cash Restricted for Health Care Payments 59,191 <br />Total Assets $ 41,732,197 <br />LIABILITIES <br />Accounts Payable and Other Current Liabilities $ 12,098,381 <br />Total Liabilities 12,098,361 <br />FUND BALANCES <br />Reserved for: <br />By State Statute ~ 5,249,309 <br />Prepaid Expenses 537,941 <br />Restricted Medicaid Risk Reserve 2,356,371 <br />Unreserved: <br />Board Designated Specifically for Expanded Medicaid Services 6,000,000 <br />Board Designated-Other 1,459,545 <br />Unrestricted 14,030,870 <br />Total Fund Balances 29,633,836 <br />Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 41,732,197 <br />Amounts Reported in the Statement of Net Assets are Different Because: <br />Fund Balance $ 29,633,836 <br />Capital Assets Used in Goverrmental Activities are not Financial Resources <br />and therefore, are not Reported In the Funds 3,139,216 <br />Liability for Compensated Absepces is not Due and Payable in the Current <br />Period and therefore, is not Reported in the Fund (607,583) <br />Notes Payable is not due and Playable in the Current Period and therefore, <br />is not Reported in the Fund ', (270,829) <br /> $ 31,894,840 <br />See accompanying Notes to Flnancr6l Statements. <br />(13) <br />G-'~ <br />