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PIEDMONT AREA MENTAL HEALTH, <br />DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />JUNE 3Q, 2006 <br />NOTE 2 DETAIL NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) <br />4. Capital Assets <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2006, was as follows: <br /> Beginning Ending <br /> Balances Reclasses Increases Decreases Balances <br />Governmental Activities: <br />Capital Assets Not Being Depreciated: <br />Land $ 224,497 $ - $ $ - $ 224,497 <br />Total Capital Assets Not Being Depreciated 224,497 - - - 224,497 <br />Capital Assets Being Depreciated: <br />Vehicles and Other Equipment 3,867,960 - 93,944 488,774 3,473,130 <br />Leasehold Improvements 692,569 - 40,458 - 733,027 <br />Buildings 2,732,093 - - 2 732,093 <br />Total Capital Assets Being Depreciated 7,292,622 - 134,402 488,774 6,938,250 <br />Less Accumulated Depreciation For: <br />Vehicles end Other Equipment'. 3,182,509 - 155,034 488,774 2,848,769 <br />Leasehold Improvements 305,960 - 73,976 - 379,936 <br />Buildings 731,439 83,387 - 794,826 <br />Total Accumulated Depreciation 4,219,908 292,397 488,774 4 023,531 <br />Governmental Activity, Capital Assets, Net $ 3,297,211 $ - $ 157,995 $ $ 3,139,216 <br />Primary Government <br />Depreciation expense for the year ending June 30, 2006 was charged to <br />functions/programs of the primary government as follows: <br />LME Administration $ 292,397 <br />B. Liabilities <br />1.Payables <br />Payables at the government-wide level at June 30, 2006, were as follows: <br /> Liability Liability <br /> for Claims for Self <br />Salaries and Incurred, but Insurance <br />Vendors Benefits not Reported Plan Total <br />Governmental Activities: <br />General $ 5,497,884 $ 132,583 $ 6,408,703 $ 59,191 $ 12,098,381 <br />Total Governmental Activities $ 5,497,884 $ 132,583 $ 8,408,703 $ 59,191 $ 12,098,361 <br />(23) <br />~-y <br />