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Contract Divisions of the NC DeparGnent <br />Adminishntion and the NC Deparhnent of Health ar <br />Human Services shall give prior approval to ar <br />amendment to a contract awarded through those offices <br />of <br />td <br />ty <br />Severability: In the event that a court of competent <br />jurisdiction holds that a provision or requirement of this <br />cattract violates any applicable law, each such provision <br />or requirement shall continue to be enforced to the extent it <br />is not in violation of law or is not otherwise unenforceable <br />and all other provisions and requirements of this contract <br />shall remain in full force and effect, <br />Headings: The Section and Paragraph headings in these <br />General Teens and Conditions are not material parts ofthe <br />agreementand should not be used to construe the meaning <br />thereof. <br />Time of the Essence: Time is of the essence in the <br />performance ofthis contract. <br />Key Personnel: The Contractor shall not replace any of <br />the key personnel assigned to the performance of this <br />conh•act withoutthe prior written approval ofthe Division. <br />The term "key personnel" includes any and all persons <br />identified as such in the conn•act documents and any other <br />persons subsequently identified as key personnel by the <br />written agreement ofthe parties. <br />Care of Property: The Contractor agt•ees that it shall be <br />responsible for the proper custody and care ofany property <br />furnished to it for use in connection with the performance <br />ofthis contract and will reimbwse the Division for loss of, <br />or damage to, such property. At the tenniuation of this <br />caitract, the Contractor shall contact the Division for <br />instructions as to the disposition of such property and shall <br />comply with these instructions. <br />Travel Expenses: The Conh•actor's travel rates and <br />policies formulated and adopted by the governing board <br />shall be applicable in the performance of activities <br />desct•ibed in this contract. In lieu ofthe board establishing <br />travel rates and policies, the Contractor agrees not to <br />exceed rates established in State regulations for <br />reimbursement for h•avel mileage, meals, lodging and other <br />travel expenses incurred in the performance of this <br />Contract. International travel shall not Ue reimbursed <br />wider this Contract. <br />DHHS (General Terms and Condilians) (Local Government) (03/07) f ~ ~~ <br />